Physical - Task Three

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User: THGF1234

Name: Samuel de Sapphiron

 I walked up to Kate's office.
She opened the door after I had knocked on it. She smiled and let me in. "Do you know what to do when you are Keeper?" "I am going to do my best to protect the young Hybrids and continue the Exams." "How do you feel about being a Keeper or part of the Guarde?" I answered, "I will be either won't I? Who cares?" "How would you rate yourself on your Gift?" "A ten." "Really? Ok. Next. Do you have a weakness? I was mad, a weakness?! I punched Kate hard in the cheek. "I. Have. No. Weakness." I snarled before leaving the office. I thought for hours before I got a plan forming in my head.
I walked through the halls, a devilish smile on my face.


User: WinterRoze

Name: Millicent


User: ZzzLazyZzz

Name: Noah Spooner

The interview was a tide of questions.
“How do you feel about being an apprentice?” the girl named Kate asked. Thomas— the same boy who’d dragged him away from Kevin — stood behind Kate with his arms folded against his chest.
Noah glared at him through the corner of his eyes. “I feel terrible.”
“Oh?” Kate said. “Well, okay. Off to the next question.” She grabbed a sheet of paper from the stack on the table and read the content. “You’re a physical, right? On a scale of one to ten, what would you rate your abilities?”
“A nine.”
“You’re that confident?” Kate asked, scrunching her nose.
“Well, I don’t know all my abilities when it comes to my gift,” Noah said. “But I do know how to use my gift effectively.”
“Have you ever brought mental pain to others with just your mind?”
“I can do that?”
“Well, yeah,” Kate said. “That’s an ability you physicals have.”
Noah felt the laughter bubbling inside his stomach, but he pushed it back.
“How far are you willing to become a Keeper? Do you think you have what it takes?”
“I’m not too interested in this Keeper business,” he said through grinning teeth. “Don’t know, don’t care. I’d rather be a free bird.”
“What is your strength? Your weakness?”
“I’m a good…” Noah searched for the correct word. “Entertainer.”
“And a weakness?”
“I’m easily bored. Sometimes too easily.”
“Do you feel cheated for not getting trained as a child?”
“No. I trained myself to a good extent.” Noah’s laughs echoed through the room.
“Do you feel like our training facilities have helped you prepare for the exams?”
“I didn’t train at all since I got here.”
“Wow,” Kate said, her fingers brushing her chin. “You’re in for trouble, you know? Many have already trained.”
“Like I said, I have no intention to become the Keeper.”
“I’ll ask you the following questions anyway. What would be your first order as a Keeper?”
“Don’t know,” Noah said, placing a hand on the back of his neck. “I don’t really want to do anything for people, you know? And to me the work of a Keeper is no more than social service.”
Kate stared at Noah like he was a glass of curdled milk. “I’m offended by that answer, truly. You have one more question.
“What qualities do you think it takes to be a Keeper?”
Noah glanced at the wall, at his untied shoelace— anywhere but Kate’s face.
“Qualities unlike mine.”
Kate drew in a shallow breath. She shot Thomas a knowing look.
 “Well Noah,” she said. “You may leave.”

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