Elemental - Task Two

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User: infinitywordlover

Name: Crysalis

“That was AMAZING! That’s exactly what you have to do! Now, I think you’re ready,” my personal trainer, Ariadne is saying.

“Ready for what?”

“You’re ready to spar.”

“No,” I say adamantly. I am not about to force myself through the embarrassment of a public fight.

“Yes, it’s the only way you will find out how you match up against the others,” she says equally stubbornly. “You’re going whether you want to or not.” Her eyes sparkle with electricity and I realize too late what she’s about to do. A bolt of electricity slams the air next to me and I can feel a couple of hairs get singed. Then a ball of water comes hurtling toward from out of nowhere and my eyes widen.

“Ok, ok! I’m going!” I say holding up my hands in panicked surrender. The ball of water stops a few inches from my nose, and I back away hastily toward the exit. The water follows me, herding me toward the exit, and only when I leave does the ball stop.  Sticking my tongue out towards Ariadne in an incredibly immature action, I walk down the hall towards the sparring room. My stomach feels like it’s playing cat’s cradle and I wonder in fear at my competitors.

What if the person I sparred beat me to dust? What if I didn’t get allies? What if…

I’m so immersed in my thoughts that I don’t notice the figure that had appeared from one of the other doors. Slamming into what felt to me, a rock solid wall, I fall flat on my butt. I sigh thinking that I haven’t even made it to the sparring center and I’ve already been knocked down. Squinting upwards at the rock wall, I realize that it was not a rock wall but in fact a person.

“Woah, are you alright?” a tall, blond boy says holding out a strong, muscular arm.

“Yeah, haha, I’m just really clumsy.” No I wasn’t. Why did I say that?! He pulls me up easily, when I’m standing, I realize just how tall he is. I’m at a perfectly decent height, but even so he stretches far above me. “Sorry,” I say again, embarrassed ducking my head. I feel a blush growing on my cheeks and it gives me a shock when I realize why. He is incredibly good looking.

“It’s fine. Er…do you mind me asking, do I know you?” he asks uncertainly. My head jerks up and I meet his gaze. His eyes are a shocking shade of blue-grey. They remind me of the clouds that roll in right before a spring storm, and a chill of familiarity runs down my spine.

A little girl cowers in front of lockers—little-me, her eyes wide in fear as the bullies approach.

“Freak!” one yells. “I know you caused that storm!” 

“I-I d-didn’t!” the girl squeals. Now, I remember the odd times when storms and freak weather would happen when I was in a high temper. Even if my powers didn’t come in until I was ten, my power would still burst out of me unpredictably and uncontrollably when I was younger.

One boy steps forward slamming his fist into jaw and she falls sideways her mouth bleeding.

“Show us again!”

“I didn’t do it!” she yells.

“Liar! This always happens when you get mad. I’ve noticed.”
She screams again as he advances, his eyes deadly. Suddenly, he stumbles and gives out a yell. The little girl watches in awe and confusion at the events taking place. She knows that she is not responsible for the spell.

“My eyes! What the—what’s happening?!” His hands clutch his face and he crashes into the wall. The other bullies exchange frightened glances, and back away from the little girl afraid of what could happen to them. But just then, the leader regains his vision and storms angrily towards the girl. This time, there’s no mercy.

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