Chapter Thirty-Four - New Allies and a Little Bit of Lies

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User: AvengingDemigod

Name: Maris Gold

Realm: Wicked Wasteland

It has been at least three days now I decided as I walked. A few more tornados ran through the area, destroying the buildings and nearly killing me almost eight times. I'm glad I healed fast otherwise I'd be dead from getting my arms and legs sliced open so many times.

I slid down a sand dune and looked inside the makeshift bag I made out that old flag. I pulled out a cooked rat I hunted a while back and took a bite. Rat was stringy, mostly muscle and bone. What little meat it had was tasteless but I guess it was better than nothing.

The winds began to pick up again and I quickly ducked inside of a some kind of car garage. I watched in the distance as the tornado formed and touched the ground. Suddenly I felt something poking my back and I held my hands up. "You're lucky I refuse to kill an unarmed fighter," a voice said.

"Funny, most people don't consider unarmed," I said slowly. I looked into some shattered glass on the ground and saw a boy holding a jagged metal spike to my back. He had somewhat curly brown hair, his skin pale but looked sunburnt. The other wraith apprentice, Luke.

"You have no weapons-"

"Since when do you need weapons?" I asked. I ran forward before he could grab me and kicked off the pillar in front of me, flipping over him. I landed crouched like a cat and kicked his legs out from underneath. "You're lucky I don't feel like killing anybody else." I said. "Just leave me alone." I turned to walk away and felt a cold shiver run through my body and he was suddenly in front of me.

"What's your name?" Luke asked.

"First name none of, last name your business," I said with a smirk.

"You're the wildlife," Luke said. "Maris Gold." I stayed quiet and set my bag down. "What are your worst fears little girl?"

"Little?" I laughed. "Please I could kill you without blinking."

"Are you sure?" I blinked and he was behind me, his hands on my head. "Let's find out."

My head burned and I was back in the old Black Dragon compound, years after I had gotten my tattoos. A group of my own men were holding me down, one of the trying to stab me in the stomach. "If your trying to show me nightmares it won't work wraith," I said. "This already happened." I slammed my elbow back into his gut and it connected with a satisfying grunt. The vision was cut off and my head started to throb. I was thrown into another vision of a blonde girl eating star-grapes. The girl turned her face, covered in blood and then she collapsed. "Alright low blow coward!" I shook my head and the vision faded. I barely managed to knock Luke back when he jumped at me and I kicked him in the side. My head continued to burn and I tossed back into another vision. This time I was on the ground, Luke was bleeding from a head wound, a person standing over him. I quickly jumped up and saw it was Roman, his familiar quirky grin smiling at me.


"Hey Maris," he said. "Are you okay?"

"What are you during here, you're supposed to be on the other island."

"I found a way over," he said with a shrug. He walked over and I took a step back. This was a vision, he's not really here. "Hey come on its me, not a vision." Roman touched my shoulder and I felt how warm his hand was. Maybe it wasn't a vision. My head throbbed and I looked at the ground.



I thought of a question only he would really know, when he asked about my hair at the dance, and I told him that I changed my blonde hair to hide from the police. "What color was my hair before it was purple?"

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