Loira - Resurrection

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User: a_person66

I can still hear Crysalis screaming my name as I sit up in a stark white room. I am sitting on a bed-my legs twisted in the brilliant white sheets. I can feel my heart pounding in my ears, making me feel uncharacteristically nervous and panicky.

Where am I?

The room I am in is small-barely enough room to stand, and deathly silent. I kick my legs free of the sheets and rise to my feet. I need to get out of here.

I close my eyes, and focus on the desert where I last saw my friends. I can teleport. I can teleport out of this room, and back to my allies.

But nothing happens.

I grit my teeth and try again-harder, but when I open my eyes I am still in the white cubicle.

I can't get out.

"Darn it!" I cry out, punching the wall in front of me. My fist smarts painfully, and I cradle it against my chest as I slump to the ground.

I didn't die! It wasn't part of the plan! I wasn't supposed to have died!

This sucks.

I hear the door hiss, and I look up defiantly. It's Kate-the Keeper. Or, I guess, previous Keeper.

"Loira," She states. Kate looks tired, with dark purple circles under her eyes. She sits down on the bed, and for a while, she just looks at me.

"What happened?" I croak, my voice strangely hoarse and vulnerable.

Kate sighs.

"When you tried to walk away from your friends, you fell into a abyss. You died. I'm sorry."

I sigh and let my head rest against the cool white wall.

"Loira," Kate murmurs. I meet her eyes dolefully.

"You didn't want to kill your friends. You were willing to walk away, so they could survive. That's not a bad trait to have-it's just not a Keeper trait. You did well. You should be proud." She finishes with a soft smile.

The corners of my mouth lift slightly, and I can feel my spirit soar. Maybe I'm not a total failure.

Kate stands and brushes herself off.

"When you're ready, you can come and rejoin the other apprentices." She states-all business once more. Without another word, she steps out of my room.

I sit still for another moment, savouring the quiet. Kate was right-I couldn't be the Keeper. My judgement would be clouded by my emotions and my friends.

But I can be a darn good member of the Guarde. I'm going to be the best Guarde member I can be.

So I stand up, and walk out of the door without looking back.

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