Chapter Twelve - Alone Once More

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I was in a forest. The wicked, eerie sound of invisible beasts sneaked into my ears, penetrating into my head to my very soul. The air was thick and heavy, sticking to my skin and lungs, a devil lighting the fire of hell to choke all living creatures.
Something shoved me. Something hairy. Something pestilent.
I opened my eyes, and instanly folded by previously outstreched arms. What was in front of me wasn't something you wanted to touch. What was in front of me was a yellow-spotted snake if half a meter of diameter.
The snake flickered its eyelids and slapped its tongue. It opened its mouth, revealing too polished fangs, each as long as both of my palms together. The snake slithered until it was head to head with me.
I was paralized with fear. The snake was only inches away when...
It want though my head. The snake went through me as if I was no more than mere air.
I then teleported far. Where, I knew not. The only thing I saw when I arrived was two other wraith apprentices, who looked as disoriented as I.
"Um..." I said.
The other two turned around, with a terrified look on their faces. They both took a piece of woid and threw it at me.
I managed to grab both. They were danger. That was all I could think about. I vanished through thin air and appeared behind them.
I took the sticks and threw them at their back, in the weakest parts of the human body.
They vanished as well.
I was alone once more.

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