Chapter Seventeen - Nothing and a Door Jam

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Realm Two: Underwater Atlantis Maze

Team Blue


This maze gives me goosebumps. Tall, dark walls loom over me, making me feel a sense of panic. Confined spaces are definitely not my thing.

"C'mon Loira-we got to go." Luke grabs my hand and pulls me along. I'm lucky to have a partner here. If I was alone.....I shudder at the thought.

We swim in silence for several minutes. I get the feeling that Luke isn't really the 'chatty type'. I'm ok with that. I'm too nervous about what's to come to spend time talking about useless things.

As we swim, the walls slowly start to curve towards each other above us, blocking out any light we had. A uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.

"Luke....we should turn back." I mutter. He looks back at me.

"They're just trying to scare us." He smiles reassuringly and keeps moving. I return his smile uneasily. I don't like this.

Within minutes, the tunnel is pitch black. I can't see a foot in front of me. Panic claws at my chest, and I hyperventilate. The darkness is swallowing me whole. I feel a hand on my arm, and I stifle a scream.

"Just me. I figured we should stick together-it's so dark!" Luke says calmly. How can he be so calm!?! Is this unending darkness bothering him at all!?!

This boy has nerves of steel.

We swimming through the water. In the darkness, I can't help but let my imagination run wild. Every time I brush against a plant, it feels like strange fingers crawling up my legs.

I can't take it anymore.

Suddenly I'm on the ground, my head throbbing.

"Luke?" I call out. For a moment, I don't hear a answer.

Where is he!!!!!

"Loira?" He yells.

"Just stay there! Keep talking!" I respond, before crawling towards the sound of his voice. Within seconds, I hit a large log.

"Oww...." Luke mutters. I sit back.

"Sorry! Anyways, what was that?" I ask. I hear Luke sigh.

"A dead end."

A wave of disappointment washes through me. I almost want to give up and cry.

But I'm not a quitter. Or a cryer.

"What now?" I ask tiredly.

"I'm going to find a way out of this stupid maze! I'll be back soon. Stay here." Luke says, his voice full of determination. I nod, then realize he can't see me.

"Ok. Be safe." I say. Luke squeezes my hand before letting go and transforming.

Then my partner, the only link to the real world I have, is gone.

I slump against the wall, waiting patiently for Luke to come back. It feels like it's been hours, although it's probably only been a couple minutes. But down here, it's impossible to judge time. I lean back my head and try to relax. Anxiousness isn't going to make him come back faster.

" can do it. Come on." I suddenly hear out of the darkness. I tense up. Who is Emerald!!!! What is she doing here? What should I do?

Ok, breathe Loira. They don't know I'm here. I have the element of surprise.

Or...I did. Until the mystery duo stumble over my legs, and land on me.

"Oof!" I groan, as I get a fist to the stomach.

"Leandra! Somebody else is here! Who is this?" Emerald asks. I stand up, shaking her off of me.

"None of your business. If you leave now, then nobody gets hurt." I say, doing my best to make my voice sound as threatening as possible.

"No!" Somebody says angrily. I clench my fists, ready for a fight.

"Your choice!" I snarl as I lunge in the general direction of the voice. All of a sudden, I hear my name being called, and a incredible force grabbing onto my shoulders, and pulling me through the water.

"Luke?" I yell.

"It's me. I found something! C'mon!" He yells back, still dragging me through the water.

"Emerald and Leandra are right behind us!" I say urgently. In the dim light, I can see Luke frown.

Finally Luke drops me, and changes back into his normal form. A shimmering yellow wall with the number one is directly before us. Literally right behind us is Emerald and Leandra, staring at the wall. All of a sudden, we're in a small room, with glass walls. A robotic voice blasts into the room.

Poor people have it, rich people need it, and if you eat it, you die. What is it?

Time is ticking. It's do or die time now. I take a deep breath and start to work on the riddle.


"It's nothing!" I scream out. Luke immediately springs into action, jumping up and grabbing the key. I stand in front of him, and glare at our snarling opponents.

"Unlock the door!" I scream as I block Emerald's first punch.

"It's stuck!" Luke bellows back. Leandra try's to push me aside, but somehow, I hold my ground and push her away.

I momentarily look at look.

"Then unstick it!" I yell back.

Just as Luke yells "Got it!" I feel a fist connect with the side of my head. Immediately time seems to slow down. The world spins in slow motion. I feel a hand on my arm, yanking me towards the door. But I don't remember if I get through or not, because all of a sudden, the ground comes up and smacks me in the face.

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