Protection - Task Two

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User: infinitywordlover

Name: Zander

 I walk out of the room deep in thought. My trainer had insisted on me sparring at least once and I found no better day to do it than now. A slight tapping noise behind me indicated that I wasn’t alone. The footsteps don’t stop and their owner crashes into me. I whirl around in irritation, who would be so careless as to crash into someone who didn’t even move?
A pretty Asian girl lies at an odd angle on the ground. She groans slightly and blinks disoriented. Sighing, I offer her my hand. 
“Woah, are you alright?” I ask.
“Yeah, haha, I’m just really clumsy,” she says blushing slightly. As she turns, I catch a glance of her eyes. They’re a soft shade of violet, a very familiar shade of violet. Suddenly a thought occurs to me.
“Er…do you mind me asking? Do I know you?”
She blinks startled, and meets my gaze directly. There’s a moment of silence and her eyes unfocus. I shift uncomfortably in the long moment of silence that follows, and  I hear a sharp intake of breath.
“I think so,” she says slowly. “You went to Rowling right?”
I smile nodding. “Hi, my names is Zander.”
She grins, “Crysalis. Thanks for saving me all those years ago.”
“Ah, no problem. It’s just a day in the life.” I proclaim before bursting into laughter at her expression. “ just kidding, I don’t save people very often, mainly just myself. Anyways, since you’re not in your room, or training center, I assume you’re going spar.”
Her nose wrinkles at the thought. “Yeah, my trainer’s making me.”
“Well, you can fight me. I promise I’ll go easy on you,” I say kindly.
She snorts. “You won’t need to. I’ll give you a run for your money on my own.”
I grin easily. It felt nice bantering with her like our lives was still normal. “Oh, it’s on!” I say.
We approach the small electronic panel and I glance at the buttons. “So, what environment?”
“How about forest?” she says innocently. I glare at her.
“That’s so unfair! That is completely elemental!”
“Everything on here is ‘completely elemental’” she says in a reasonable tone. I bend down squinting at the options before admitting defeat.
“I hate it when you’re right. But let’s at least do the one that will give you the least advantage.” I point to the one on the bottom- desert.
“You’ve known me for exactly 47 minutes and I’ve only been right one. I don’t think you can generalize yet and say you hate it when I’m right,” she says matter of factly. Know-it-all I think darkly.
“Technically, I’ve known you for 13 years, and even if I only known you for 47 minutes, I can still hate it when you’re right.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, why?”
“Well, you saved me when I was eight. I’m right. Do you hate me?”
I glare at her annoyed. “No, now can we get to the sparring?”
We slide into the scene and I pull off my shirt, and Crysalis does the same. She blushing furiously and give her a sly smile.
“Enjoying the view?” I ask raising my eyebrows. A clump of sand rises into the air and slams into my face.
“Hey! Now you’re really getting it!”
“Deprive oxygen,” I murmur. Her eyes widen and she gasps in vain for air. A moment later however, she fights it off and I’m lifted off my feet flying across the sand. I concentrate on her mind searching for the chink in her thoughts. I force her to start eating sand and she looks horrified.
“What was that?!”
“Absolutely unfair!”
“Tragic,” I reply grinning.
“You can control me?!”
“If I want, so you better be nice to me Miss Mighty Elemental.”
“Shut up.”
“Do you want me to help you do so too?”
“No I-“
And then she’s paralyzed. I crouch to my knees laughing at her expression before I realize something’s wrong. I feel a faint feeling of danger, and a lightning bolt slams into me. I black out.
When I come around, I say, “I could have beaten you, if I tried you know.”
“Mhm…” she says disbelievingly. She waves to me and wanders away. That’s when someone rams into me for the second time. I sighed inwardly. I was a pretty tall guy, yet it seemed like no one could see me.
“I’m sorry. I should have watched where I was going,’ she stutters. “I’m Casey. Casey Calvert.”
“Zander,” I say shortly smirking at her nervousness.
“So…uh what’s your gift?”
‘Protection. What’s yours?”
“uh..electric… kind of a cool gift I suppose.”
“Why don’t we spar? You can show me how well you use your gift.”
She gives me a shocked and frightened glance, but after a moment nods.
“Ok. We can spar. I don’t know how good a it I’ll be but I’ll try,” she says.
We step into the ring and I stare across at her intensely. My danger alert is on high and I watch her every move.  Then suddenly my vision is overcome by a flash of white light. I shake my head disoriented. Where am I? Who am I?
Then my senses came back. “Woah…that was…woah. That was impressive!!” I say.
“Thanks. Why don’t you show me what you can do now?”
“Alright. Tackle me.”
“Just do it.”
She runs at me and I throw up my forcefield. She crashed into it and bounced off landing a few feet away. She sits up with an expression of awe.
“Ow…that was…awesome!” she exclaims.
She stares past me at someone and waves. I turn around to see a girl with blonde hair with blue streaks in it. A dog romps at her feet and I smile.
“Hi,” she says shyly.
“I’ve been watching you guys. You’re really good with your gifts. I’m Hannah, wildlife.”
“Mine’s electric. I’m Casey.”
“Protection right here, Zander.”
She smiles. “I was thinking. Maybe the three of us could team up in th exams?”
“We could be a good team,” I say nodding my head. Protection, wildlife, and electric, it was a nice combo. We turn to Casey waiting. She looks unsure, and suspicious. “Look, I know you don’t want to trust anyone, but being alone isn’t ideal either.”
She takes a deep breath and nods. “Alright. I’m in too.”


User: HungerGamesWolf

Name: Lana


User: THGF1234

Name: James Howard

They met each other.
They started in a jungle. Steve tried to trap James’s mind within but James sensed the danger and put up a shield rebounding the spell and Steve collapsed since he had trapped his own mind.

The second one was a mountain.  Steve climbed up quickly and searched for James. Seeing him, he imagined him with burnt arms. James shrieked as his arms were burnt.

The final fight was in a forest. Steve looked closely and saw James again. He came out in the open and again imagined him with bruises on his face. James saw Steve and threw a blindness spell toward him. Both fell with a crash.

It was a tie.

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