Dream - Task One

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User: a_person66

Name: Catherine

This is great. This is just fantastic. First my 'brother' kidnaps me and then he sends me....here. Except I don't really know where 'here' is. I could be in frikin China for Pete's sake!!!

The thought scares me. Just yesterday I was home. Walking home from school with my best friend Laurel.

Now I'm in a white room-completely alone. And scared-I'm not even going to deny it.

I'm terrified.

I'm just a normal girl. I grew up in a small town. I went to school and danced like any other 13 year old girl.

Except I'm not normal. Not since the accident.

I shiver as I remember the day. A man in black screaming at me. A searing pain in my chest. And bam-I'm in the hospital.

I quickly shut that memory down. I can't deal with it now.

But....ever since then.....something weird has been going on. One night I dreamed I was in a fight with Laurel. I punched her in the eye. The next day she came to school with a black eye and no idea how she had got it.

What is wrong with me!!!

The wall slides open to reveal a man. He looks down at his clipboard.

"Catherine Thomas?" He asks. I clench my hands into fists.

"Who's asking?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Come with me." He walks out of the room.

No way am I going with him. Not until I get answers.

"I said come!" He reappears in the doorway.

"No." I spit. He grabs my arm and drags me out of the room.

I close my eyes furiously. I imagine the hand holding me on fire.

I hear a shriek of pain. The pressure on my wrist lessens.

I open my eyes.

The mans arm is charcoal black. You can see bone in certain places. He is screaming and cussing in pain.

I just stare in horror.

I think I did that.

My own scream joins his. I turn and vomit.

This isn't real.

Please-this can't be real.

I take off running.

It's just a dream.

I wake up panting. I bury my head in my hands. It wasn't a dream-it was a memory. I remember how panicked I felt when I came here. It's been two years. Two years ofintense training. Training for the Keeper Exams.

Whatever that is.

I can control my powers. I will never hurt anybody again. I never want to be the cause of pain again.

Thomas comes into the room. He has overseen my training over the past two years. He calls himself one of the 'Guarde'

Again I have no clue what that is. Nothing has ever been explained to me.

I was just told to train-to get into shape.

Thomas offers me his hand.

"It's time." He says simply.

Time for what?

What's going to happen to me?

I don't want to follow Thomas, but I know I must.

I take his outstretched hand and he pulls me up.

Time for some answers.


User: CutePonies1234

Name: Maya Mallena

I was alone at home, I heard clacking from the front door and a bang.

Robbers, I thought in my head.

I ran into the hall.

The robber saw me and pulled me up. I screeched and thought about him with burned skin.

When I opened them, his skin was black and in parts I saw bones.

I screamed and fainted.


User: THGF1234

Name: Steve Bennett

My parents sold me to some crazy place.

They said I would be safe. Ok. Safe in a white room? I'm not so sure.

I was picked out by a man who wanted me to follow where he wanted me to be.

I thought in my head, the man but bleeding all over.

I open and see a more bloody scene.

I shrieked and ran to the bed and puked out my horrible lunch. And splat, my body fell into the mess as I fainted.

I woke again and saw a different man. He asked me if I could use my powers.

I closed my eyes and imagine the man with a cut. I opened my eyes to see a bleeding cut on his finger.

"Ok. Thank you."

He left without another word.

I sighed and flopped myself on the bed.

I wonder if I will have to kill someone.

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