Thomas - Task Two

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Hey! This is my example for you all if you need it. Fair warning, I got a bit carried away with my characters so if you're curious about Kate or Thomas's backgrounds or relationship in the Exams this will explain it! Also, it's in Thomas's POV this time.

However, I realize that some of you may not want or care to read this entire thing so...scroll through it and look for the bold pieces because those are the parts you'll need for your writing or just in general - I gave lots of information in this. Everthing else is just me writing about Kate and Thomas. Elementalists and Protectionists should pay specific attention to the sparring bit between Kate and Thomas if you're wondering about the limits or powers of your Gift.


"Kate!" I call, snatching up the jacket from the back of her chair and jogging over to her. She turns, brown eyes full of curiousity. "You forgot this." She glances down and laughs, taking the jacket from my outstretched hand.

"Oh, thanks. Sorry." I return her smile, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"No worries, where are you off to?"

"Training, I figure if I'm going to have a chance at all in the Exams then I need to figure out what I can do." I nod, falling into step beside her as we exit the cafeteria.

"Well, how about we spar?" Kate frowns and tilts her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? I uh-" Kate runs her hand through her loose curls and blinks confusedly. "I'm not very good with my Gift, I fear I'd be a pretty easy match." I chuckle, rubbing my hand along my chin.

"And you wonder why I asked." Kate gasps, her jaw gaping and her eyes narrowing. She huffs and jams her shoulder against mine.

"Jerk! Now we have to spar, just so I can prove you wrong." Kate teases, poking me in the chest. I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, okay." Kate sticks her tongue out, making a face as she pushes her back into the swinging door to the gymnasium. "When did you learn about your Gift?" I wonder, sudden curiousity taking hold of me. Kate makes a humming noise and lets the door swing back at me. I catch it, but only barely, before it would've smacked me in the face.

"Since I got here, I guess." She responds through her snickers and starts to pull her tank top over her head, exposing her black sports bra. "My mom kept my brother and I hidden away for most of our lives, I've practically spent the last five years on our ranch." She says, dropping the shirt on the floor near the wall and pulling her hair back into a ponytail using the hairband she always wore on her left wrist.

"So, you just unlocked your Gift? What about your mom and brother?" Kate scowls, a hard look overtaking her features.

"Apparently they both knew what they were, my mom was afraid that my brother would be taken away for the Exams because of his Gift so she kept us locked away from society; her living in constant fear, Damion in everlasting idiocy, and me in a never changing daze of oblivion." Kate scowls. "She never even thought to consider that her daugther would turn out to be more powerful than her precious son." I raise an eyebrow at the harshness in her tone.

"I take it you and your mom don't really get along." Kate sighs and puts her hands on her hips, breathing out heavily.

"No, it's not that. It's just-" She purses her lips and huffs, "she was more concerned about protecting Damion than she was about me. My mom's the type of person who believes that men are stronger than women, that we're inferior to them. Apparently my dad was a total douche to her and it really screwed up her self-confidence and world views when it comes to equality between genders."

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