Psychic Apprentices

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User: S-and-S

Name: Jaime Nicholi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Physical Appearance: Long wavy hair and brown eyes. Short and tiny at only 5'2". (Madison McLaughlin)

Backround: Her mother raised her by herself until she was five when she risked Jaime's life to try and reveal what power she had.


User: CutePonies1234

Name: Ruby Savard

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: Blonde hair, emerald eyes (Peyton List)

Background: Learned of the Exams and started to train at seven years old.


User: PJHDstoryteller

Name: Roman Grey

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Normal hight, dark black hair, pale blue eyes. (Nicholas Hoult)

Background: I grew up not knowing the extents of my powers, but I knew that I had them. My parents started to train me when I was 13.

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