Chapter Fourteen - Mission Complete

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Realm One: Treetop Base Capture

Team Green

Edwin Silverne

We had separated from the rest of the team, running through the various obstacles, Penny alongside me.

We jumped onto a platform. We saw a large treehouse with the number 6 painted on the roof top.
There was three directions. Only one, a long tightrope got to Base Six and beyond. We prepared to crawl along the rope when we both hear a yell, "Hey!" We look, seeing Millicent in one direction and James in a second direction.

"They must be going for this one," I whispered to Penny as we went back to back. "I know, you use your powers to get James, I can get Millicent distracted from you two. Millicent jumps and catches Penny by the arm, who rips her arm away, angrily. She says, "Go!" A surge of power runs through her body, filled with rage.

Millicent does the same having to stolen Penny's Gift. James bursts a shield around him. I morph into a spirit, flying high. I was to dive toward James, when I get a painful shove from Millicent. I crash into James, causing him to fall with me on top. James swears under his breath and I clench my teeth, hissing with pain.

I pull James up and fly up toward the base. Near the edge, James slips beneath me and he is hanging by the edge of the roof. I fly into the base, grabbing the red flag and successfully throwing it into the flames. I get James and knock him out, leaving him in the base. I help Penny to take down Millicent, a electrical shock from Penny knocks Millicent out. We leave the two apprentices in the base, knowing our mission was complete.

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