Mortality - Task Two

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User: a_person66

Name: Loira

This is bad. This is really bad.

I knew that something big was going to go down, but this? This is just plain insane. Who the heck does this Kate person think she is?
I thought my life couldn't get any worse after the fire that changed my life. 12 years doesn't make the wounds hurt less.
I've just learned to conceal the scars better.

The door slides open, and a young man walks in.

"My name is Mikael. I'm going to help you." He says simply.

I stare at him-scrutinizing him.

He shifts uncomfortably.

"I just want to talk." He says defensively.

"Then talk." I growl.

I'm not usually a loud person. I tend to like to keep to myself. But right now-right now I'm so angry I could attack him

"I'm a member of the Guarde. Many years ago I was in the same position you are. I made mistakes. I'm here so you don't make the same ones." He says more confidently.

"How can I trust you?" I ask angrily. I haven't really been able to trust anybody really since the fire.

"Thomas sent me." Mikael tells me.

Thomas. Thomas my saviour. He practically raised me after my parents died. I trust him more then anybody else in this world.

I guess if Thomas sent Mikael, he can't be all bad.

"Fine. What do I do?" I ask grudgingly. Mikael smiles.

"You need to put yourself out there. Make friends-if you have allies you'll get farther in the Exams. I know you're shy. But be brave Loira." He tells me.
I nod and offer up a smile. What he says makes sense. If I have any chance at surviving, then I need to follow his advice.

I wander aimlessly around the complex. It's huge. I could easily get lost in this maze of rooms.
So far, there's not a soul in sight. It's hard to make friends if you can't actually find anybody.
This is just fantastic.

But in one of the rooms I venture into, there is somebody.
A tall Asian girl stands in the room. When I open the door, she turns around and smiles.

"Look who showed up!" She laughs. She strides over to me and sticks out her hand.

"I'm Chrysalis." She says cheerfully.

I take her hand tentatively.

"Loira." I smile shyly.

"Is this crazy or what! This is so weird." Chrysalis talks.

Finally. Something I can relate to.

"This is insane! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that this is happening to us!" I respond enthusiastically.

We stand in that room and talk for a while until Chrysalis grabs my arm.

"You know? I like you. Allies?" She asks. I smile. Who would have thought that shy little orphan Loira could have made a ally much less a friend?

I realize I'm still just standing there, smiling stupidly.

"Yea! That sounds great!" I say happily.

We talk strategy. We evaluate our opponents and talk about potential allies.

"What about that tall guy? The one with the blonde hair?" I suggest. Chrysalis nods.

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