Emotion - Task One

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User: x_Karen_x

Name: Emerald

Emerald was adopted from the local adoption center. She was adopted at the age of 8. She was always alone in the adoption center due to her knowing about her powers at such young age. She kept it in a secret, knowing people will think she's a freak. So even her adopted parents doesnt know about it. Her room was the most spacious of all in her house. She did her own training and she was proud of how she can finally manage to control it at such short timing. She was a human with such immense emotions powers.

Her so called brother ( Thomas ) who is also adopted right into their house when she turns 19. She was very curious about Thomas's arrival. They start to spend time together until one day he asked her about her powers.

She was reluctant to say at first but she trust him. So she said everything about her powers. Then Thomas began asking her to feel his emotions, so Thomas started off thinking about happy thoughts, Emerald placed her hands on his face and felt his happy emotions flows in her, she smiled.
Next, he tried sad, anger and emotionless's emotion, she passed all. Thomas then decided to think of the most painful memories and he gives her a nod as she touched his face. She feels his pain, immense pain flowing through her, she yelped in pain as her another hand grasped her head. The pain felt like death to her. She felt dizziness, and she see stars around her. Thomas pulled her hand and smile contently. He told her about the exam and he thinks she should go for it.

She doesn't want to go so he drugged her and sends her to the training center.


User: ChaosC

Name: Andreana

An ordinary life before the games? The idea would have made someone like Andreana Crew laugh. She had a rough life as a kid, had to live as a street urchin for the most part, and life on the streets isn't all that nice, so it wasn't long before she discovered her ability to manipulate emotion. This gift she found out quickly could lead her into the exams, so she dove deeper into the life in alleys, learning to manipulate people's emotions for sympathy, anger, sadness... after all, if you can MAKE people feel something, you know how they'll act. It was this power that lead her to meet and join a very... shady group of people; the assassin's guild. It seemed perfect for her; it trained her to survive if she DID get discovered and sent to the exams, and it gave her some extra cash if she didn't. Granted, it was always a hard life, often times her OWN emotions would get in the way...

Andreana met Thomas the same way she met a lot of people; in the criminal underworld of her home town. Granted, it was a stupid thing for him to inturrupt her in the middle of a job, assassination attempts aren't exactly easy to clean up once you mess them up after all. However, from seeing her use her abilities to manipulate those around her to get to her target, it seemed she had earned herself a one way ticket into the exams; the very thing she had spent her whole life trying to avoid.


User: AddictsAnonymous

Name: Gwendolynn Latimer

I had just gotten home from work after a long day of college courses and grumpy customers when Aaron, my sister's fifteen year old son, decides to assualt me with water. The kid was an Elemental, and a brilliant one at that. I walk into the backyard and the pool water just comes zooming at me, I don't even have time to scream before I'm knocked back on my butt, completely drenched. Aaron was standing in the kitchen window, looking out and laughing hysterically.

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