Chapter Twenty-Two - End of the Angelic Dragons

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Realm One: Treetop Base Capture

Team Green

User: AvengingDemigod

Name: Maris Gold

We walked along a few rickety wooden bridges, thunder crackling above us. Andreana jumped in fright at a boom, hitting some branches and a few blue tinged berries fell to the ground. I picked a few up and sniffed them.

"You think these are safe?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have them all around where I'm from. The only problem is they make your breath smell really bad," she said with a smile. 

I looked at the berries nervously. "Tell me you're joking."

Andreana chuckled. "Oh come on they taste great. That and they're kind of the only food we have."

I scowled at the berries and my stomach rumbled. I ate a few cautiously and smiled as they burst in my mouth, tasting surprisingly like strawberries. I took a quick sniff of my breath and nearly puked. "Yup these are so amazing," I said with a grimace.

She covered her mouth but failed to contain her laughter. "I told you!"

I ate a few more berries and pretended to gag some more as we walked along. My thoughts wandered to when this "test" would end, we had already won our base. What if the others failed, what if we lost? I shook my head at a few more berries.

"So..." Andreana looked down. "You like Roman."

I froze and dropped the few berries I had in my hands. "I....I umm." We both stopped moving on a large rock platform and Andreana crossed her arms.

"Maris, you do know that only one, maybe, maybe two win this thing, right?" She said looking into my eyes.

"I know. But they come back right. I mean everyone that Kate went with came back. So if me or you die we won't be dead you know permanently."

"If that's true what do they do with us when this is over?" She asked.

"We become guard members," I said rubbing my arm.

"And what does that entail then?" She asked.

"I don't know," I looked out over the lava and watched it boil and hiss. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Just want to know what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, that's all."

"Then you could have just asked hey what do you think happens to the losers not start with so you like Roman," I clenched my fists, then tried to loosen them. I couldn't get angry, Blondie here is my only friend besides him.

"That's not what I wanted to know," she sighed. "I just meant that...say we run into him, what if we had to fight him? What if...someone had to die?" She asked sadly. "I just want to make sure we're okay Maris. While I like to think that he cares for you too, if he doesn't, he could hurt you. I just what you think about that."

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