Chapter Eleven - The Random Dagger

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Diana Loch

I woke up groggily, rubbing my head. I was in a polar region, but I wasn't cold, just confused. I tried to remember how I got here, or what was going on. Though all I could remember was my name-Diana Loch- and my gift-survival.
"Well, I'm obviously here for a reason. But what," I asked myself thoughtfully. I thought I heard footsteps behind me and whirled around. I shivered, not because I was cold, because I was frightened. Really frightened. I got up, and started walking, I always thought it was better to know my surroundings before I did anything. To my surprise, there was nothing besides the seemingly endless polar landscape. There were no clues of where or how I got here. I heard more footsteps. There was still nothing behind me. I tried to remember anything, but the information was on the tip of my tongue, not planning to be remembered. At all. I growled in frustration. I saw a flash in my mind of someone about to punch me in the head from behind. I spun around and punched a silhouette of a boy. My fist contacted a face. I stepped forward and saw a boy laying on the ground, pushing back up. He sprung up suddenly, but I foresaw it. I grabbed his fists so he couldn't punch. Then I pinned him on the ground and snapped his neck. Though I felt no guilt. I stared mercilessly at the body, then crossed my arms triumphantly. I didn't notice the girl creeping behind me. She jumped on my back and started strangling me. I fell to the ground wrestling her. I saw a random dagger in the snow. I smiled lopsidedly and grabbed it. I shifted so I was holding her to the ground. Without a moments hesitation, I stabbed her until she was dead. I stepped back and ran away, hoping to find something other than snow and unfriendly people.

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