Maris Gold - Survivor's Guilt

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User: AvengingDemigod

I want to get out of here. I want to get off this damned mountain. The magic was draining from it, the grass was dying and the river had dried up. The only flowers that remained were the flowers that I placed on my friend's bodies.

I stopped crying hours ago, but I still felt like I should be sobbing. I feel like I can never stop crying after all that has happened. There was a distant hum overhead and I stood up, getting ready to use my magic even though everyone was dead.

The wind picked up and the flowers blew off into the distance. I tried to reach out and grab one but someone grabbed my arm. I spun around, my fingers turning into claws and I scratched whoever was holding me across the face. I heard muffled cursing from the person and I went to hit his neck but I was frozen.

"You need to calm down Ms. Gold," a man said.

"I'm going to let you go now but you need to remain calm." I was able to step back and I glared at the person that froze me.

"Please step inside," I looked where he was pointing and saw a sleek black military helicopter hovering silently above the ground. I looked at the man I scratched and then climbed into the helicopter.

"Sophisticated technology," I muttered as the guard member strapped me down.

"Are you going to get them?"

"Get who?"

"Rom-the bodies of the others."

"No," he sat down and I struggled against the straps as the helicopter took off.

"Why are we leaving them behind?" I asked.

"The bodies are empty, the souls are gone," another member said. I sat back in silence as the mountain began to crumble. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep a bit, but my mind filled with images of the people I had killed, of Andreana and Roman's bodies.

I was back on the mountain surrounded by bodies; lava seeping up from cracks in the ground, the river now flowing with blood. I turned away but it was everywhere, the bodies and the blood. I dropped to my knees and ignored the lava that burned my skin.

Then suddenly they all started to scream and wouldn't stop. I covered my ears in a frantic attempt to tune them about but they only screamed louder.

"Maris!" someone shouted. I opened my eyes shakily and saw Andreana in front of me, shaking my shoulders lightly. We were back in the tree houses, the bodies and screaming gone.

"You need to wake up now Gold." I moved my hands from my ears and grabbed her arms.

"Blondie," I whispered, my throat hoarse and tight.


"Hey dragon," she said with a small smile. I hugged her tightly and she laughed before going silent.

"You let me die."


"You made me attack Noah, you made him focus my power on him, which made me target," she said quietly. She sat back and I saw her eyes were bright red, like they had been when she died.

"You got me killed."


"You killed me," she repeated.

"You killed me, you killed me." She kept repeated herself and then stood up, before walking over to the edge of tree house.

"You killed me."

"No!" I tried to grab her but she fell off the edge and I went with her, the nets under the houses gone. We both fell into the lava and I screamed.

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