Electric - Task One

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User: booksnifferO_O

Name: Penny

The tears wouldn't stop falling down my cheeks, her pale face in my lap her eyes cold. The color seemed faded from her eyes, the once joyful brown eyes darkened to black.

"Don't go," I whispered. "Don't leave me alone."

The hallway echoed my sobs; the house where my sister left; where my father went mad, this house that ruined everything I had. I wasn't ready to lose my mom too.

I held her up, her limp arm hung over my shoulders. I had to get her somewhere I can't just keep her here, I had to try something.

I trudged through the front door of the house, into the morning sun.

"Help!" My voice was hoarse, I cleared my throat, wiped my tears, and tried again. "Help! Somebody please help!"

It was no use, this broken down neighborhood was like a desert, and even if someone heard me they probably wouldn't care.

I laid her down on the grass and ran back to the house and grabbed my dads old phone. I turned it around and opened up the back, no battery I knew it. I rapidly searched for the battery not wanting to leave my mom alone much longer. No luck, I slammed the drawer in anger, making it tilt to the side.

I ran outside again and held my mom up, she seemed to get heaver and I just fell down on the concrete. I was to weak, my skinny arms couldn't hold her. 

Then a boy I've never seen before came from behind the corner.

"Excuse me! Please can you help me!" But I knew he couldn't hear me from here he was just a blurry figure, he must have seen me the same way. It was impossible for him to hear me.

Anger rose in me boiling in my blood. I just screamed wanting it all to end, tired of crying, tired of everyone leaving, and me ending up alone. Electricity built inside me, the boy was now jogging towards me but it was too late she was gone and I knew it.

Then I just stood up and looked at him and I don't know why, but I felt mad at him that this was all his fault. Then suddenly electricity shot out from inside me in his direction and hit the telephone pole, sending it to flames.

My eyes were wide open, I couldn't process what had happened, but the boy seemed more than calm.

"What just happened?"

"Penny everything will be explained, but now, you've been selected for the Keeper Exams. My name is Thomas and I'll be taking you there." 


User: THGF1234

Name: Cole Characin

I was seven, nearly eight.

We were on a high cliff. Down below were electrical fences.

I was playing around with my sister who was nine years old.

We were near the cliff. My sister pushed me and I stumbled.

Then I fell off. I hit the electricity with a zap.

But my skin wasn't burning, it was absorbing the electricity, the power glowing in my fingers.

I saw a woman, flying almost like an angel. She flew toward me.

She picked me up from my electrical shock. I was shocked and slowly knocked myself out.

When I woke, I saw the same woman. She named herself as Kate.

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