Post-Exams Task Two

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Alright, I've finished drawing out my stage two maze and I've effectively organized the directions to involve two encounters per coupling as will each treetop coupling have two encounters. Anyways, I've also heard back from everyone in the treetop realm, but not so much the people in the atlantis realm.

But first...the second post exams task! Frankly, I find these incredibly boring to wait for so I'm making it optional. I really don't care if you write this, but you have 48 hours because I'm not waiting a lifetime to start Stage Two. I know, I'm impatient. But again, it's optional.

Just know that if your apprentice sustained a life threatening wound in stage one (like being impaled through and through on a metal pole (Gwen), having their stomach sliced open (Emerald), is missing chunks of skin (Andreana), or endured severe blood loss (Zander) you will recieve Bluemist when you wake up to heal your wound 50%. The others with bleeding wounds that are not life threatening get a fast acting healing cream (like Katniss in HG), and the ones who got concussions get super strong Hybrid healing pain medication. Okay? So you're not going into Stage Two all beaten and battered, you'll get medication.

Now, onto the task: You've woken up from the coma, you remember everything and you either feel guilty, shocked, or something else entirely. You're unsure what's happening or what the people suddenly crowding you are trying to feed you but they say it will help the pain.

Then, it's time to go. You're ushered from the chamber and guided down a long corridor to a steel door. Once inside, you are either: A. standing at the edge of a dangeroulsy looking rope and wood bridge that leads to an iffy looking tree house and a massive sea of hot lava bubbles below or B. stuck in a small metal room with no way out save for the three dark hallways branching off.

You're surrounded by other apprentices from your team. Maybe you see an ally or maybe you're all alone - either way, you make a friend. They are your partner.

The matches are listed below, some of you contacted me and some didn't but I had a pretty good idea of who would chose who based on alliances. So...I think these are all pretty well chosen and they are final since the deadline for choosing has past. Also, if you didnt give me a direction (everyone gave me a base) then I chose for you.

Team Green:

Penny + Edwin Silverne

Steve Bennett + Gwendolynn Latimer

Andreana + Maris Gold


Team Red:

Sabrina Whyte + Crysalis

James Howard + Millicent

Roman Grey + Noah Spooner


Team Blue:

Loira + Luke

Samuel de Sapphiron + Serena

Diana Loch + Dakota Bennett


Team Purple:

Hannah + Zander

Ripley Alician + Alice Crowley

Emerald + Leandra


In either the metal room or the tree house base, there is a glass monitor hanging on one wall. On it will appear Kate and she will explain the object of the realm - either capture the most bases or get as many people from your team to the center of the maze. Make sure you mention that at some point someone (preferably a Guarde member) gave you a bandana that is the color of your team.

Write about Kate's explanation in your own words. What is your apprentice feeling at the start of stage two? Why? Don't write about what direction or base you chose as I don't want the other teams to know who they are up against until I post the encounters.

Have fun!

48 hours and remember that it's optional! If you don't write it then it's implied that all this happened. But if you do want to write it then have at it! :) The first treetop and atlantis encounters will be posted in two days.

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