Chapter 41- Valentine's Day

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"JAY WAKE UP!" Michelle screamed into my ear.

"What?" I moaned into my pillow putting my face in it.

"Cmon, wake up, I'll make you some tea in the kettle." Gianna said.

"Kettle? Really?" I said getting up and getting ready to have the get together we are going to have at my house. My mom and Daven approved since they're away on business for a bit.

Today was the best day of all for couples: Valentine's Day. Full of love, gifts, kisses, balloons, hearts, and chocolate. I'm not sure if they have it in the UK but Brad knows it's my favorite holiday. Well, after Christmas.

"JENNIFER DO YOU WANT BAWWCON?!?" Gianna screamed upstairs.

"YYYAAAASSSSS" I screamed back downstairs putting on a heart and creamed colored sweater, black tights, and a pair of light brown combat boots. I walked into my bathroom and lightly curled my hair and putting on light amount of makeup. I suddenly heard something go bang downstairs as I quickly went down.

"What happened?" I asked them seeing a mug crashed and splat onto the floor.

"Just a little mis-hap." Michelle said blushing.

"Who's fault?" I asked them.

"THAT TWAT." Michelle said pointing to Gianna.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't use that harsh word..... how about instead of twat...." I said thinking of a name that won't be to mean.

"How about Potatoe?" Gianna suggested as we nodded laughing at the fact why she wants Potatoe.

"Here." Michelle said handing me a cup of tea as we both sat down watching Gianna make breakfast.

"So..... I was thinking and maybe we should get a- uhm..... apartment." Michelle said as Gianna handed us our plates.

"Wow I feel like you are my mom telling me that we have to move.... Michelle didn't your mom give you money for it?". I asked

"Erm.... yeah. That's the point. I want you and Gianna to move in with me." Michelle said.

"Yeah! That'll be fun! And JJ, your parents will seem legit with it so it'll all be good!" Gianna said.

"It depends... where to?" I asked

"It's not that far from here..... across the street at the apartments.".

"Ooo I heard those are nice." Gianna said looking at me. I guess she wants to move.

"I'm down. I just have to talk to my parents first.... I suggest you tell your parents cause I mean- you only have clothes here and you guys don't have everything since you came here to live with me or a bit."

"Yeah, me too! It's kinda sad with us living in the guest room... I feel bad we don't even pay rent..." Gianna agreed walking to the living room to talk to her foster mom on the phone about the apartment.

"So how's you and Brad coming huh?" Michelle asks getting a sip of water.

"Good I guess.... we still have to break up publicly though for 3 more weeks... Ashton's back in Australia for his mums birthday and then Alayza is back in Devon to see her dad." I said as I put away my dishes.

"Oh... did you say mum?" Michelle asked.

"We've been here for like 8 months and you still expect me to say mom?" I said laughing as we came it.

"Mom, mum, same old things." Gianna said as she walks in.

"What'd she say?" I asked her referring to her asking her foster mum.

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