Chapter 48- Callbacks, Callbacks, Callbacks

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"Hey JJ! Want to come over?" I asked her on the phone as I was sitting on the couch watching Saved By The Bell. Today was the day for callbacks for Brookelyn and Michelle to audition for Dancing With The Stars. They aren't that famous, but they needed quick dancers since Nastia Liukin dropped out last minute. They'll be back in an hour but I'm bored.

"Yeah, sure I'll be right over." JJ said as I heard the line go dead. For a couple days, Brookelyn and Michelle have to keep going to callbacks but today is the last day and they're going to announce the final dancer. I turned off the TV once I heard a knock on the door.

"YO!" I heard a voice through the door as I opened it seeing it was JJ.

"YO!" I replied back as I let her inside.

"Nice place." She said.

"It's ok... I thought Brooklyn showed you already?" I asked her.

"Nope.. This is temporary.. Right?" She asked me as she looked around the apartment.

"Yeah." I sighed as she noticed we had boxes still packed up. We've only been in the apartment for a month and we are still looking for better ones so JJ can move in with us but, we're to busy to even look for a bigger, better apartment.

"Oh! I forgot! James said for us to Skype him whenever we can." I said as I pulled up my computer and texted James to let him know that JJ is with me to talk to him.

"Hellooo." James said through the screen.

"What's up Jamsie?" Jennifer asked him.

"Nothing.. How's everyone?" He asked us.

"Good... Michelle and Brookelyn are at callbacks, Jay had to babysit Becka for a few hours the other day, we went to Starbucks, went shopping. The usual." I shrugged.

"That's.... Nice." He said as he glanced looking up. I know when he glances , he gets nervous, when he's nervous, you know he's hiding something.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Nothing.. I-" He said as 3 boys jumped on the couch he was sitting on, disrupting our FaceTime.

"OH GOSH!" I jumped when the guys went in.

"Wow Gianna... That scared?" Brad laughed.

"Trust me, she's even scared of birds." JJ laughed as the boys laughed with her.

"Shut up, you're scared of Chucky." I teased her.

"Too shay." She said.

"So... How's it going?" Connor asked.

"Brookelyn and Michelle should be back any minute from their callbacks.. Otherwise... Doing good." I shrugged.

"Its just Callbacks, Callbacks, Callbacks."  JJ sighed.

"So.. How's the 'mini tour'?" I asked them.

"Glasgow was amazing." James said.

"And Kingsbury." Tris said.

"And Meriden!" Connor said.

"Overall, they were all great." Brad smiled.

"Guys! On stage in 5!" We heard a voice through the screen say.

"You better go." I said to James.

"We still have the 5 minutes." He said back.

"So... When are we going to meet The Tide? I heard they're good." Jennifer said as she grabbed a sip of her water.

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