Chapter 81- Crashing Down

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"MOM WHY?!" I whined as she was showing Brad the baby pictures.

"These are so adorable that's why!" My mum said as she showed him another picture. "Here's one where she's at her kindergarten prom."

"Aww how cute." Brad laughed. I looked ridiculous in that pink dress.

"Haha JJ gets tortured." Connor teased.

"Con, you want me to bring out your baby pictures?" Daven asks as Brookelyns face lights up.

"PLEASE!" She laughed as Daven nodded, getting up.

"NO DAD!" Con whined.

"I don't know why you're complaining Jay, you look adorable." Brad laughed.

"I look horrible." I laugh. "The only good picture of me is when I was 5 at my aunts wedding... But we had to lose that picture didn't we?!" I sarcastically say to my mum.

"Brooke, don't you want to see this?" Brad asked as Brooke shook her head.

"No." Brookelyn said. "I already saw it."

"Have you heard the story of Jennifer peeing on Santa?" My mom asks.


"YOU PEED ON SANTA?!" Brookelyn, Connor, and Brad said in unison as they start laughing.

"I WAS FOUR!" I said defending myself.

"I'm back!" Daven said coming with a photo album. "Here's Connor when he was 2 months." Daven said, pointing to Connors picture of when he was a baby.

"Oh my gosh that's Connor?" Brookelyn laughed, pointing at another picture, showing Connor when he was 3, having a weird hairstyle.

"Most definitely." Daven laughs.

"My hair was fabulous." Connor laughs.

"We all know your hair was fabulous." I laugh as we looked more.

We looked at baby pictures for almost half an hour until my parents realized something.

"DAVEN!" My mom said. "We're going to be late for our flight."

"Oh crap." Daven said as he was looking at the time.

"You guys want to come with us to the airport?" My mom asked as we nodded.

"I think maybe Brad and I will stay here... We'll leave you guys and your parents alone." Brookelyn said as she smiles.

"I'll drive!" I say as Daven and my mom nod.

"Here dad, I'll help you gab the suitcases." Connor said as they both go upstairs, to grab the cases.

"So how are you and Connor?" My mum asks Brooke.

"We've been great." Brookelyn laughs. "Though he's gets a bit crazy at times, we've been amazing."

"Connor is crazy." I laugh. "We all know that by now."

"Ok." Connor sighed. "I heard that."

"Anyways." My mum laughs. "We should go?" She asks Daven as he nods.

"Bye Cidney." Brad said as he gives her a hug.

"Bye Brad." She smiled as she whispers something into his ear. Brad nods as he says goodbye to Daven also.

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