Chapter 47- Hanky Panky and Twitcam

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"But why do you have to leave!?" I whined to Brad. Apparently, we got back together a couple days ago and now Brad has to leave! I just wanted to spend a couple more days with him since I've been busy and such with family.

"Its only 8 days, you won't die." Tris said as he grabbed his luggage and put it in the car.

"Shut up Tris, you teared up yesterday knowing that you'll leave Michelle." Connor giggled as we saw Brookelyn having her arms around his neck and his hands around her waist.

"Yeah, but at least I didn't make out with her the day before I leave." Tris said giving Michelle a peck on the cheek as Brookelyn and Connor blushed.

"Wait what happened?" James said walking outside putting his luggage in the van.

"Crookelyn was close to hanky panky." Gianna said to James as she cuddled with him with her head nuzzled in his chest.

"Now where did hanky panky come from?" Michelle asked Gianna.

"Beth." She said.

"Who's Beth?" James asked.

"My friend from a while ago." She said smiling.

"So what are you guys going to do today or while we're gone?" Tris asked.

"Do my first video for my YouTube channel." Gianna said.

"Film something for my YouTube channel." I said.

"Me and Brookelyn want to stop by this dance studio." Michelle smiled.

"Guys we should go or we're going to be late to the Glasgow show." Joe said with his head poking out of the passenger window.

"We shall go." James said as he gave Gianna a kiss. Following that, all the other couples in front of me and Brad.

"I'm going to miss you." Brad whispered into my ear.

"I'm not." I said sarcastically giggled as he threw a pouty face. "Kidding.. gee Brad, you cry about everything." I said giggling. "I love you too." I smiled as mine and Brads lips touched with the kiss getting deeper.

"Get a room." Tris said as Brad and I separated blushing.

"I should go." He said. "Bye." Brad said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Bye." I said back as he got into the van to go to the airport.

"We'll miss you!" We girls screamed to the am as I pulled out of the driveway. Someone's phone dinged and I realized it was mine.

From: Bradley
I miss you already :"(

To: Bradley
Shawt up X)

"So, what shall we do today?" Michelle said turning around.

"I have to meet up with my parents in a couple of hours... Netflix?" I asked them as we were walking to my front door.

"I'm kinda tired of Netflix though.... twitcam?" Gianna grinned as we all agreed.

"Tweet away!" Brookelyn said as we all got on our phones and Gianna got her laptop out.

JJ_Contreas- Having twitcam w/ @GIVNNV @BrookelynCassedy and @MitchiHart¡ Ask us questions with #TwitcamWithUnicorns¡

"Y'all ready?" Gianna asked us as we nodded and she turned on her computer to Twitcam mode.

"Hey guys!" We all said at the same time.

"As you can tell, we are doing a Twitcam." Michelle said hugging me in a awkward position as we all laughed.

"Lets get into it!" Brookelyn said.

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