Chapter 10 - Goodbye

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We finally got Jennifer and Brad in the same room so they can make up.

"Anyone want to watch a film?" Connor asked.Yeah I go for a movie.

"Sure" Next thing you know, my phone buzzed.

From: Mum
James, I need you to go to the hospital 3 minutes away. It's about your father it's an emergency. xoxo, mum

I was really worried about my dad. I didn't know what was going on. Oh, that's why she was in a hurry. I need to go.

"Guys, I need to go my dad's in the hospital......I'm going to take my car" I said.

"Don't you think that Becka should go with you?" Connor said.


"Meet me there Tris, I don't know if you mind driving... Meet me there." Tris nodded as I ran to the car.



As James left, everyone was worried about what happened. Becka barely had any information but hey, she's only 10. Once everyone settled down we started to head over to the hospital.

"Hello how may we help you today?"one of the workers asked.

"We are here visiting John McVey." I said.

"What is your relationship with Mr. McVey?"

C'mon lady,no time for this.

"We are all of his nieces, nephews, and children." I blurted out.

The only way that we could get in there was one way.

When the worker told what room James and Becks Dad was, I noticed James was the only one there crying on his knees.

Once he noticed us, he saw Becks running toward him and bursting into tears.

Everyone was depressed. Seeing that reminded of my parents yet, my mum left us and my father stayed but, I ran away when I was 16 and lived with my uncle.

"James, where is mum...and is dad know?" Becka asked.

"Yeah........he is............And mum, She erm.......she broke down but she went over to Aunt Denise's. So she's ok." James replied back.

"C'mon guys, it was a long night for all of us we better get some sleep." JJ said.

As James and Becka said their goodbyes, we headed home.

Hey everyone!! Thanks for reading lovies❤️

Jennavee xx

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