Chapter 96- We Can Work It Out

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"Hey Brad..." I say to him as I continue eating my salad.

He looks up, giving me a smile with his eyes. I hate it when he does that damn.

"Erm... Does your spaghetti tastes good?" I laugh.

"JJ, that's the second time you asked that." Brad laughs as he holds my hand. I look at the floor, sighing. "What's going on?"

"Nothing...." I say. "This... Salad tastes weird."

"Jay, we can ask for another one, excuse me-"

"No Brad it's fine I'm almost done anyways." I laugh.

"So how's the new album?" Brad asks me.

"It's going ok, but I heard from Connor that you're freaking writing another album." I laugh.

"I was going to eventually tell you, but I'm thinking that we might use some of your songs that you wrote for us if that's ok." Brad smiles.

"For sure... Maybe I'll let you use my song book." I laugh.

"Or maybe even have it." He winks as I start laughing.

"Too bad I promised that my third child would have it." I say.

"What about Adelaine?"  Brad laughs.

"Wow we finally agree on their names."  I laugh.

"Well I like Adelaine Arabella."  Brad shrugs as he finishes his food, as we head out the door.

"Arctic Monkeys?"  I laugh.

"You know it."  Brad laughs. "I can't believe we're naming the kids before they're even made yet."

"Well, Brad."  I say.  I need to tell him.

"What? You're pregnant."  Brad laughs. 

"No not at all."  I say smiling.  "It's just... What about the boy?"


"Well he'll be quite the ladies man."  He says.  "Takes it from his dad."

I start to crack up, dying of laughter.

"What?"  Brad says.

"You... Say... You're a... Ladies man."  I say , laughing in between.

"I am!"  Brad laughs.

"No remember? You got rejected from Kylee at the beach."  I laugh.

"Oh yeah!"  Brad laughs.

"And Amy, Diena, Hannah, Lulu, Rene, Zara..."

"Stop talking about them!" Brad laughs.  "I only talked to them to make you jealous."

"Yeah I could tell."  I laugh.

"You want to go back home?"  Brad asks as I nod.  Everyone is at the movies anyways.

We grab a cab as we get inside of it, Brad and I are holding hands, on our phones.

I go on Twitter, taking a picture of Brad and I holding hands.

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