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"Hey Brad, can you help me with every-" I say as I freeze.  "Brad?"  I say, tearing up.

"Jaylen, this is not what it looks like."

Brad stands there, acting like a victim.

"Why would you do this?"  I ask him.

"Look Jay, I didn't mean to, it was a stupid mistake."  Brad says.  "I'm sorry."

"You know you're not supposed to look through my song book!"  I say.  "You know how much that means to me."

I run over to him, as I grab my song book out of his hand.  Thankfully, I didn't catch him doing anything that bad.

"Sorry Jay, I was wondering what else you have up your sleeve."  Brad says.  "Were you crying?"  He asks.

"No, I think I got something in my eye, but I'm good."  I say as I took an eyelash out of my eye.

"And you couldn't just ask?"  I laugh.  "Please just next time- next time just ask."

"Sowwwwy."  Brad sings as he wraps his arms around me from the back.  I look through my book, seeing if he made any doodles on it.

"Jay."  Brad says into my ear. 

"What?"  I say.

"I love-"  He says as he grabs the book out of my hands.  "These lyrics!" 

He runs around, as I just whine like a baby.

"Brad!"  I whine after minutes later.  "Just give me the book!"

"You have to catch me."  Brad smirks as he runs more around the apartment.

"Brad!"  I say as I chase after him. 

He goes to a corner, and I chase after.  I couldn't see him around.  I took a couple steps forward, looking around. 

"Brad?"  I sing. 

"Hello?"  I hear a brummie accent sing.

"Brad!"  I say as I go after him.

He runs off.  Damn this boy runs back.

"BRADLEY WILL SIMPSON JUST GIVE ME THE FREAKING BOOK!"  I say as he wraps his arms around me from behind and starts to tickle me.

"No thanks."  Brad whispers into my ear as I just start laughing.

"What's going on here?"  I hear a voice say as Brad stops, seeing Bryana in the doorway.

"Nothing...  Ashton says that he needs you right away."  Brad says to her.

"I forgot!  I need to grab the blank-"  I say as I start to walk away, with Brad holding my hand, hurting my burnt fingers.

"Ow!"  I scream in pain.

"Jennifer what...  What happened?"  Brad says as Bryana carelessly walks out the door.

"It's just a burn."  I say.

"Jay it's not just a burn, who did this to you?"  He asks.

"No one just-"

"Don't lie to me."  He says as I grab the aloe Vera gel in the kitchen as he follows me.

"It was..."  I sigh.  "Bryana."

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now