Chapter 57- Oh Tristan

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"Where are you now?" I asked Brad over the phone.

"In.. We're in.. erm... Nottingham!" Brad said sounding weirdly.

"Oh ok.. miss you!" I said over the phone.

"Miss you too." He said as he hung up. Brad has been gone for 2 weeks. Now he's saying that they have to tour more. I really miss him even though if we facetime/call each other everyday.

"What happened?" Alissa asked.

"They're going to be gone for a few weeks." I said. I felt like as if I was tearing up. I looked down on my bracelets playing with the one Brad gave me.

"It'll be ok." Brookelyn said as she put her arm around me, eventually hugging me.

"I know... I just really miss him." I said sniffling.

"Trust me, we all miss them." Gianna said driving.

"Speaking of missing, what's up with Michael?" Michelle asked Alissa.

"We just agreed to have a long term relationship." Alissa shrugged. "He asked me out a few days ago." She blushed.

"Great, now I have to tell him the rule." I laughed. I felt better.

"Haha." Alissa said. "You're not telling anyone any rule." She laughed.

"Fine." I sighed. "You better thank me at your wedding."

"And me!" Brookelyn said as we looked at her in confusion. "What?"

"How did Alissa and Michael get together cause of you?" Gianna laughed.

"If I wasn't a fan of 5SOS, I wouldn't go to the concert. Therefore, you wouldn't have went and..."

"And?" I laughed as she just tried to find something else to say. "Exactly."

"Fine, I had nothing to do with it but Luke said there was a 99.9 percent chance of Muke!" Brookelyn laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. And Gianna thinks there's a 99.9 percent chance of Larry!" Michelle laughed.

"LARRY IS REAL." Gianna said.

"Relax child, bromances can be real so have some faith." I laughed.

"Yeah, have some faith Michelle." Gianna said as she parked the car.

"We're here." Alissa sighed.

"Why do you have to leave?" Brookelyn whined.

"I just have a couple more months, then I graduate in September." Alissa said as we got off. "I'm going to miss you guys." She said as she grabbed her luggage out of the trunk.

"Are you sure this is your luggage?" I asked her. Last time I saw them, they were blue.

"Erm... yeah! It just... changed color!" Alissa laughed nervously.

"Other than luggage colors, we're going to miss you too." Michelle said as we all got in a group hug.

"Walk me inside?" Alissa asked as we nodded and went inside the airport.

Us four walked Alissa into the airport. We saw people, rushing to make it to their flight on time.

"Guys." Alissa paused. We turned around, facing her. "I have something to tell you."

"What?" Gianna asked.

"It's.... it's just that... I've been keeping a secret." Alissa said. "Its not bad... I mean, I think it is."

"What'd you do?" Michelle asked.

"I brought these four guys."

"What?" I asked as I felt someone's hands over my eyes. I can feel all kinds of bracelets rubbing against my cheek.

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