Chapter 53- Getting Jiggy

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*contains smut*


"Wake up."

"Gosh, just scream at the girl." I heard a voice say.

"Fine, have it your way... WAKE UP!" Another voice said as I groaned and tried to slap the person who was saying it. "5 more minutes." I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head.

"She looks so adorable." I heard another voice say.

"Back off Tris." I heard yet another voice say.

Short chuckles fill the room as I just ignored it and kept my eyes shut.

"Someone isn't a morning person." I heard another voice say.

"Guess someone's not a morning person." I hear Connor laugh. "Clearly not getting up... any ideas Lads?" I hear Tris say. He sounds amused. I keep hearing them mumble, as if they were whispering.

"Wait James I don't think that's a good-"

"BLOODY HELL JAMES GET ME DOWN!" I screamed to the top of my lungs as soon as I felt someone throwing me over their backs. "CAN'T I SLEEP IN PEACE?!"

"JJ it's..." Tris said looking at his watch. "1:51!"

"And?" I asked, noticing I was still having the view of James bottom. "James get me down." I said calmly. "You don't have that bad of an ass." I laughed looking at his ass.

"Woah woah when did this get to nice ass? What's up with mine?" I see Brad trying to turn and look at his ass.

"Nothing! I'm pretty sure th-" I stopped and started screaming as soon as James started to run.

"Wait James, let me go get my phone and record this!" Tris said as he started to run and go get his phone from downstairs.

"Why the hell were you guys in my room?!" I asked them.

"I dunno... Nobody was home." Connor said.

"Mom and Daven are on a business trip... Have you seen the girls?" I asked as if we were having a normal conversation as Tris came back with his phone in his hand recoding.

"No..... they told me they went to Devon... For I don't know what." James said behind me.

"Probably to visit Brookelyn's cousin." I shrugged. "JAMES PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I RIP OFF YOUR BALLS." I screamed.

"James doesn't have any balls!" Connor said out.

"Do too!" James said like a five year old.

"None of you will have any balls if you don't GET ME DOWN!" I said as I looked up, seeing Brad's face go pale.

"I like my balls." Con said. "I like them just the way they are." He fakes.

"Shut up Brad you don't have any balls either." Tris said, still recording. "Say hi to the cameraaa!" He said, pointing his phone at me as I immediately flipped him off.

"WOAH WOAH CENSORED!" Tris said as he turned the camera off.

"Anyways." Tris said as he put his hand on Connors shoulder. "You don't have any balls either."

"WHAT?! YOU MEAN SHE ALREADY CUT THEM OFF?!" Connor said as he started to feel his lower region. "Liar Tris... I can feel them right-"

"You don't have to go to detail." James cuts off.

"We should let Jennifer have her beauty sleep." James says once again, placing me back in my bed, where I put my sheets over myself. I can just feel the guys surrounding me, staring.

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