Chapter 26- For Me?

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" Jaylen?! They take pictures on this ride too?!"

We came off of Silver Bullet and Brad was scared if he was going to look ridiculous.

"Yeah, I'm going to buy this on  too.. like the one  from the log ride..and Xelerator..and-"

"C'mon, Brad, let's go!"  I said grabbing Brad 's wrist and taking him to the little shop that had bracelets and you can get them engraved.  I wanted to buy him a bracelet as a memory since he doesn't like the pictures from the past rides.

"Do you like this one?" I asked him as I was pointing to a bracelet in  the brown and red leather bracelet section.

"I like this one" he was pointing to a purple bracelet. I was confused because red was his favorite color but purple was mine

"Erm..Ok." I grabbed the bracelet and took it to the register but Brad beat me to it as I saw him paying for it.

"Bradley, I was going to buy it for you!"

"Oh, well since we were here together, I wanted to get a memory to you."he said as he pulled out the bracelet in the plastic bag.  It was a leather purple bracelet that had our ship name, Jadley.

"For me?"  I asked since Jadley was his and James ship name.

"Yes, for you.  I couldn't find any other ship names so I took mine and James... I love you Jennifer and I wouldn't ask anyone to have this bracelet other than you."  I swear sometimes he can read my mind. I blushed as he put the bracelet on my wrist and gave me a kiss on the lips as my stomach was bursting with butterflies. "Guys come here look!" Connor screamed out.

I gave him another but this time I gave him a peck on the lips before we went over to everyone.

"I bought Tris and Connor play guns!" Michelle told us.

"Hey, I thought you got one for me!?" Brookelyn and Destinie said out as we started walking towards the funnel cake area.

"Ugh..enough about buying's the thought that counts...who wants to volunteer as a piggy back?" Gianna complained.

"I will." James said as G jumped on him as we walked to the register to get a funnel cake.

"Hi...Erm.. can we get 4 funnel cakes please?"  I said  to the worker as he nodded and gave me the funnel cake right away.

"Thanks"  I said as I paid for the funnel cakes and we started to go to the picnic tables.

"wait, I forgot! What about you're performances here?" Michelle asked Tris as he explained that the kids from the cheerleading squad that was performing before them threw up on stage.

"Hey, let me post on Twitter!"  Gianna said as she took a selfie including everyone and their funnel cakes as I noticed it was getting dark.

"What time is it G?"


"Its gonna close in like, less than 20 minutes"

"Don't worry, we'll go back to the hotel and do another twitcam..We'll order pizza too because we need to eat real food"  Brad said  as all of our phones were getting notifications.

@GIVNNV-  CRAVING FUNNEL CAKE LIKE CRAZZYY!!!!!! @BrookelynCassedy @DestinieCassedy @MitchiHart @JJ_Contreas @TheVampsJames @TheVampsTristan @TheVampsBrad @TheVampsConnor

"This was good."  Connor said  as I noticed that everyone was done with their funnel cakes an  that we were fatties.

"Lets go!"

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