Chapter 33- Why?

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"Hey guys." I said as I walked into the living room seeing just Jamianna: silent. "Where's Brad?" I asked them : silent.

"He's at his house.... Are you okay?" Gianna asked standing up.

"Erm... Yeah... James? Is Brads house far from here?" I asked him.

"Same place for 3, nothing happend at the concert or after?." He asked nervously..... I don't want to tell them yet. I need to tell Brad.. I mean, what's a relationship without honesty?

"Nothing happened... I'm just gonna stop by Brad's house." I said as I opened the door. I was about to walk into my car that was parked out front, fuckin full of snow

I really don't need this shit right now.

I cleared out the snow (since Christmas Eve is tommorow) as soon I opened the car door, Gianna came to me, seeing she's freezing cold.

"Gianna, go inside, it's freezing."

"JJ, I don't care.... Just know that I'm here for you.... K?" She said as I nodded. Gianna may be crazy and obsessed over Larry Stylinson as fuck, but she is the kind of person that will always be there for you. No matter what.

"Ok" I said with a reassuring smile, getting into my car driving to Brads house. Well, his parents house, he still lives with them.

I turned a right, passed the park and the recreation center. A blue car behind me was auffly close, seems as if they were in a hurry. She fuckin went around my car, ending up messing up my engine when she hit my bumper.

"Shit". I said as I parked, thankfully, I didn't get hurt. I tried calling a towing place so they can tow my car.... Apparently, they don't work on Christmas Eve-Eve. Fuck it, I'll leave my car, take care of my problems later, and walk. I'll start with a DEEP breathe.

I walked to Brads house which was about 10-15 minutes were I got crashed. It was sepreme cold since it's winter.

California has perfect weather. Why couldn't I go to college? Why can't I start my career in the place I was born in? That's right. One thing that's holding me back.



My mom and Daven.

My dad.

I kept walking as I noticed the hotel and the house right next to it. Brads house.

All the memories came flowing back to me. I sat down at the bench that was close to the house to think.

Brad and I talking about an acoustic version of Are You Mine is our song.

Brad teaching me how to skate board, holding onto my waist, knowing I was scared.

Our footie party.

Brad and I writing songs.

Taking walks to the park with Jesse. And who doesn't love Jesse! She's the cutest.

He and I. Just Brad and me. Good memories. Amazing ones. I smiled at the thought of it.

All the bad ones.

He never hurt me.

I hurt him.

I moved, I made a big mistake of not telling him months before, but telling him last minute. It's my fault. A tear or two ran down my cheek as I realized: I need to tell him. Ashton almost kissed me. May sound unbelievable, but it happened. If I tell him a year later, we'll be over. Hopefully he didn't find out.

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