Chapter 22- Chadley and Go Karts

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Brad POV

As I was following Jennifer with Connor by my side, Tris, Michelle, and Brookelyn were following us seconds later not with James or G around but I knew his plan. JJ and I ran to the turbo station and stood in line. The security guards didn't let any of our fans in so we didn't get mobbed. Thankfully, they only let in the calm fans and some guys that were just here go kart racing.

As we stood in line, I wrapped my arms around knowing I still didn't ask her to be my girlfriend, I missed wrapping my arms around her. I noticed JJ was just looking at some guy and the guy staring back....a brown haired guy with a shark tooth necklace.....I mean I'm not jealous, but I would appreciate if she stops staring at him and he stops staring at her.



As brad and I ran to the turbo station, we were standing in line and he wrapped my arms around me. It was comforting, but he didn't really ask me to be his girlfriend yet but, there was a guy looking at me from the corner of my eye who looked just like.......Really?!? right know??! I couldn't keep my eyes of Wes. Technically I didn't want him to notice me, but he just kept staring. His hair turned brown? It looks cute. Oh, Bradley's hugs. Wait. What's wrong with me? Brad and I like each other and that deformed dude named Wes cheated.

"Hey JJ, this lines to long....lets go with Tris and Mitchi....we can beat them."

I nodded as Brad and I walked away but this blonde girl kept following me with Wes by her side.

"Hi! I'm I get a picture with you? I mean if you don't mind? " She said.

Oh, you have no idea how much I want to kill that girl.

"Yeah sure." Bradley said.

I still didn't tell him about Wes...or barely ANYTHING that happened.

"Thanks! Wessie Poo, take the picture. And you, get out of my shot." She told me. What. Is. Her. Problem.

As they took the picture, I just photo bombed, acting that I was just walking through as they were taking the picture.

"Ugh. Ok, thanks for picture Chadley. Um....I'm really a big fan!" She said smiling. Chadley? You have got to be kidding. But, she sure seemed pretty annoyed and really mad. but I'm sure I kicked her sorry-

"Well, we better get going, see you later, JJ."Wes said as he was walking away with Nerissa out the door.

About the freak time.

"Erm....JJ, how does he know you?" Bradley asked.

If any time, I can't tell him now.

"Erm....No one...let's go!" I said racing him to the other track.

__________after an awesome round of go karts_______

"THIS BLOODY SUCKS. C'MON, JJ! WHY COULDN'T YOU GO EASY! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU AND I HATE ALL YOU MOTHER FREAKERS!!!!!!!" Connor said at the top of his lungs. We came out of the track and obviously, I won 1st, Brooke 2nd, Tris 3rd, Connor 4th, James 5th, Brad 6th, Gianna and Michelle were last.

"Hey, at least you weren't in last place! Brad couldn't stop bumping his kart into mine!" Michelle said as James chuckled.

"James, what's so funny?" Gianna asked.


"EEEWWWW" Gianna and Michelle said together.

"Guys, come on! Let's go take a picture on the places stand...I'll post it!" Brookelyn said.

I nodded as everyone ran towards the places stand.

Connor was carrying Tris as Michelle was doing bunny ears on Tristan in the 2nd place stand, Gianna was just standing there disappointed as James was kissing her on the cheek as she blushed and he put his arms around her, Brookelyn, Brad, and I were just standing there doing our best double chins. We asked one of the workers if he could take the picture and It came out perfect.

"Mind if I post in Twittah????" Brookelyn asked.

The boys nodded by as soon as she pressed the post button Gianna said out,

"Wait James you were kissing me."

"Its ok, Joe said it was good....its about time."

About time? They barely got together today.

"Just post it...I got it all covered."

"Already did." Brookelyn said as I reached into my pocket because I got a Twitter notification.

@BrookelynCassedy- Went go kart racing with some old buds and some crazy people from the U.K....@JJ_Contereas @MitchiHart @GIVNNV @TheVampsBand

"Hey, I'm not crazy. " Bradley said.

Tris, James, and Connor looked at Brad with an Hey what about us?! look as Brad noticed the look and said, "We're not crazy. Are we JJ?"

" you really want me to answer that?" I said.

"Whatever...I'm hungry...let's go back to the hotel and order some treat!" Gianna said.

"Brookelyn, come with?"

She nodded as we were exiting out the door.

"Wait, I'm too tired to you mind if you can....." I said waving my keys in front of his face.

"Sure." he said as we all got into the car.

"Don't scratch my Deuanda. I love her more than brad."

"Hey! Right here! And who's Deuanda?" Bradley said out.

" That messed up thing she calls her car! Enough about cars! I want to take a nap!" Brookelyn complained.

"Hey, you can sleep on my shoulder." Connor suggested.

She nodded as she layed her head down on his shoulder and there was complete silence in the car.

"Hey, I never asked you this....but I really like you JJ....Will you be my girlfriend? " Bradley whispered as I was screaming in my stomach. This is the moment. I gave him a soft kiss. "That pretty much is a clue to your answer." I said as I put my head on his shoulder until we arrived to the hotel.

____________at the hotel______

"Hey, so Joe told us that we'll get separate rooms. Brad and Connor, Brookelyn and JJ, Triselle, and Jamianna." James said as we were walking into the hotel.

"Jamianna? What's that?" Brookelyn asked. Not again.

"You know how hard it is to ship Gianna and James?" James answered.

"To think about it, yeah. It's hard. Anyways, anyone want to come to mine and Connors room to watch a film and eat?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, how about everyone meet in 10 minutes?" Brookelyn said as everyone nodded and headed to their separate rooms.


Tysm for 1k views loves :)

Jennavee xx

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