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"Hello I am back with YET ANOTHER VIDEO! And this week I am doing." I sighed. "Truth or dare." I said to the camera.

"There's some truths that you guys want to know, and some dares you guys asked me to do." I said once again. "But." I smirked into the camera.

"I'm not alone in this, I have some friends that are just waiting to jump in and help me through this." I said. "ALISSA!"

"Hi." Alissa said in a squeaky voice to the camera as she jumps into the frame.

"And lastly..... BROOKELYN." I said.

"Whats up." Brookelyn said as she casually walked into the frame.

"So I have these friends because we decided to do this video together." I said.

"And we're doing this because.... Cheetah Girls Cheetah Girls forever." Alissa danced.

"That was legit my childhood." Brookelyn said.

"CHEETAH POWER!" We all said in unison. We started to laugh, I eventually stopped dying of laughter and continued with the video.

"But seriously, you guys had some crazy truth or dares but we're going to do it anyways because we have dedication." I clapped my hand.

"LETS DO THIS." Brookelyn said.

"Okay, first dare is from @jennxpenn, and it is to go to the sixth person in your contacts, call them, and 'break up' with them" I read from my phone.

"So do you want me to go first?" Alissa asked as we nodded.

Alissa looked down on her phone, seeing her contacts.

"Oh God." Alissa said a she covered her mouth. "It's Condora."

"Well break Condora's heart." Brookelyn laughed. "I don't know.. I'm just excited for this."

"Ok everyone shush." Alissa said. It rang twice. He might not answer considering him, James, Brad, and Tristan are at the studio.

"Hello?" We hear the phone on speaker.

"Hey Connor, I've been hearing a lot of things lately...." Alissa said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I think we should break up." Alissa said straight foward.

"I-I'm no-"

"I mean, it's not you, it's me. Things we happening between us and I don't want this relationship to go any further." Alissa said as Brookelyn and I just started to crack up.

"Ok?" Connor asked. "I wasn't even with you."

"Yes you were because you were the home skillet." Alissa said. "Now you're just not."

"What- What do you mean like that?" Connor asked. Brookelyn ran over to grab a pillow and started to laugh her ass off.

"Like we're done! Just forget about me." Alissa said as she hung up.

"Its going to be an awkward Thanksgiving in a few years." Alissa said to the camera.

"Next is Brooke!" I said smiling. This is pretty fun.

"It is... Calum?" Brookelyn said. Seemed as if she was confused.

"Ok well Cal Pal, this basic bitch is gonna break up with you." Alissa said. I was going to beep o it the words we cuss so I'm not worried.

Brookelyn kept calling and it rang a couple times.

"Its Cal." Calum said through the phone.

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now