Chapter 16 Part 2- The Date

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As I ran down the stairs I heard Brad Mitchi talking but once she said preggo I was embarrassed.

"Brad! Hey!" I said as I came out of the staircase. They probably noticed that I was listening because I came out right away.

"Hey JJ...checklist." Mitchi said. Checklist? She never did that when I went out with Wes.

"Waterproof Mascara and Makeup Remover?"

"Yup." I said with the p popping out.

"Ok do I look good because Tris is driving you guys and I'm walking you out."

I nodded as the 3 of us headed walking out and Brad but his hand on my waist

"Bradley, I'm right behind you so put that hand north to the equator."

I rolled my eyes as Brad put his hand up higher.

As we went to the car, Tris and Mitchi were talking while I was nervous about the date. Why am I so nervous around Bradley? Right, he never really taken me out on a date in the past. We 'hung out' I guess. Dates don't really count as writing songs at your dates house eating cookie dough ice cream. Right? Brad snapped me out of my thinking session.

"Tris, you do know that it's obvious that you like Michelle."

"What Brad? I couldn't hear you over from the nosieness you have in your personality." Tristan burned him.

"wait what?" I chuckled a little at how he said it. Like a diva.

"Whatever we're here!" Tristan shouted out.

We were by a movie theater that had a bunch of screaming girls.

"Bradley, Bradley, Bradley!" They kept going on and on.

"Hey Brad, can I have a picture?" Don't I recognize that girl? Brad didn't hear her out, but I went over there to go talk to her. Well, scream talk, it was loud.

"Oh hey, you, umm do you remember me?! I'm Phoebe...was asking where brad was but I guess you found him! Are you guys dating? You seem like a cute couple! Anyways I never got your name!"

"JJ, but you can call me Jennifer." I had to give her an answer.

"Ohh! Bennifer! No Jadley! Help me out!"

Honestly, I have no idea what she is doing.

"What are you saying?"

"Shipping you two...what's your Twitter?!" I quickly gave her my Twitter.

I can't be known for being with Brad....

"Erm....Phoebe.....can you please not tell anyone who I am...I'll get Brad and the boys to follow you on Twitter?" She nodded as she gave me her Twitter username on my notepad I had on my iphone.

I saw Brad still taking selfies, signing autographs, giving girls kisses on the cheek, which I really didn't mind. I walked over to Brad.

"I'm going to get our tickets..what movie?" I scream-whispered into his ear.

"Anything....." He was kind of busy.

"Did you say, 'If I Stay?' ok, I'm going to get those!"

"Get different a movie...I want to spend the time with much as I love the fans...I'm on a date with'll be weird if we have 50 people in the theater staring at us"

I nodded as I walked to the ticket booth as I got our tickets for 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. Hey I might look like a girly girl that likes pink and unicorns but, I like guys stuff too.

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now