Chapter 28- Honeymoon Avenue

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I came right back in time to the hotel that JJ and the boys were staying at and our plan was pretty simple.

I quickly called Gianna letting her know I'm here at the pool area and that it was empty.

"K, we're just here getting her presents ready we'll be right down in a couple."

"Wait? Where's JJ?"

"Oh, she and Mitchi went somewhere to get something for Brad and its a suprise so don't text her or anything."

"Didn't Jennifer said Brad wasn't coming till 8:00?"

"That was a lie! They're coming back in about 5 minutes!"

"K" I said as I hung up the phone.

I was ready for the decorations so I quickly got the 18 balloons I got for her and tied them to a chair. I'm pretty exited for her birthday cause this year I actually got her a present. Thankfully I didn't forget Brad cause I won't be here tomorrow cause I have to go back to college. I got a discount from Steven, who is now my boyfriend I guess, from his skate shop. Anyways, it worked out and well, Steven was good. If ya know what I mean. I put up the streamers and noticed the guys were here. I never really met them so I have a 75·/· chance it will be awkward.

"Hi! You must be Alissa, the girls friend?" I guess the guy named James asked me.

"Yeah! It's really nice to meet you guys! I'm in love with your music!" I said as I gave a smile and shook their hands awkwardly.

"Just so you know, this is Tris, Connor, and Brad" James said pointing to them as I nodded.

"Ok, let's get to work!" Brad said.

"I'm gonna make a quick run and grab the presents!" Tris said running to the van.

"Hey guys!" Gianna and Brookelyn came down from the stairs. Gianna ran up to James to give him a day's worth of hugs and kisses and Brookleyn went to Connor and gave him the biggest hug I've ever seen.

"So, almost ready?" Tristan asked with pretty big gifts.

"Yeah, Mitchi just texted me, gonna be here in 5" Brookelyn said.

I was so exited that I could puke. Well, not LITERALLY.

"So, whatcha get Jen?" Tris asked Brookelyn and I while Gianna and James were just straightening up the

"Something that she loves but she will hate me when she sees the first gift. But, the 2nd gift she'll love.You know what else she'll hate?"Brookelyn asked Tristan.


"You calling her Jen."

"Wait, you got her 2 gifts?" Brad asked her trying to not have Tris and Brookelyn fight about a nickname.

"Yeah, you'll see...Erm....Alissa what you get her?" Brookelyn asked.

"Well, I got her a new laptop and a DVD we filmed a while back which I don't really know if she'll like it or not." I said. I really wanted to see what the look on her face was gonna be.

"We got her a guitar." James and Connor said

"I got all of us friendship bracelets, speaking of, here ya go." Gianna said each handing us girls friendship bracelets.

"These are cute!" I said giving G a hug.

"Tris watcha get her?" Brad asked as all of us sat down.

"Well, Mitchi and I got her this thing that-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP DUMMIES!!" Mitchi screamed as loud as we can as she entered the gate holding the back of a bandana for JJ.

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