Chapter 46- Babysitting Adventures

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I came home last night seeing my parents and also Gracie, my aunt, and my Uncle arrived from Rotherham.  Though this morning, my parents and my aunt and uncle left for breakfast.  Leaving me all alone with Gracie asleep in one of the guest rooms.  So I did what most teenage girl would do, I spent the time waiting for Gracie to wake up and doing something productive like watching tv and going on Twitter downstairs in the living room. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket while I was in the middle of watching Mrs. Doubtfire.  I took all the strength to get the phone out and I was hoping my mom was texting me what I wanted for breakfast from the restaurant.  When I saw the name on the screen light up, in came a smile to my face and butterflies.

From: Bradley
What are you up to?

To: Bradley
Nothing.  Just babysitting a 3 year old.. wbu?

From: Bradley
Just sitting outside of James house.

To:  Bradley
Sounds... exciting!

Before I could wait for his reply, using heard tiny footsteps come from downstairs.

"Where's Mummy?"  Gracie asked as I got up from the couch and started following her into the kitchen.

"She's out at breakfast.... you want juice?"  I asked her as she nodded and sat down on the table as I grabbed some juice from the fridge and poured it for her.  I sighed and walked back  into the living room where I found Gracie sitting down and watching a children's show. 

"How old are you?"  She asked.

"18."  I said as I gave her the cup.  "How old are you?"

"Nearly 4." She said holding up 4 fingers.

I just sat down with her on my phone as I heard the doorbell go off.

"I bet it's your mummy and daddy... they probably came back."  I said looking at the watch reading 10 am. I got up and Gracie followed me to the door, she stood behind my leg as I opened it and as soon as we realized it wasn't her mom, she immediately stood and stayed behind me as if I was her shield.

"Hello."  Brad smiled.

"I told you I was babysitting."  I said .

"I thought I'd might as well help."  He shrugged.  "Where's she?"  He asked as I pointed behind me and Brad waving at Gracie who instantly ran into the living room

"She loves you."  I joked as he walked into the living room, Gracie was now playing with her dolls.

"Where's everyone at?"  I asked.

"Well, Connor and Brookelyn were being boring, Michelle and Tris went on a date, and James and G was in James room and I didn't fancy going in there."  He said pulling a disgusted face.

"So, you came to disrupt me?"  I asked.

"Pretty much."  He said back.

"I'm bored."  Gracie said as she walked over.

"Want to go to the park?"  Brad asked Gracie as she grinned and nodded.

"I'll take that as a yes."  He laughed.

"I'll go and get changed."  I sighed as I got up from the couch.

"Why?"  Brad asked.

"Look at me."  I said as I laughed looking down at my outfit which was currently a baggy white shirt and a pair of black legging and ugg boots.

"You look fine."  Brad smiled.

"Nice joke there."  I said

"I'm serious... you look perfect."  He said as our eyes met.

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