Chapter 55- Just Friends

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"Miss you Brad.... call me when you can, love you." I said, sending Brad a voicemail. The guys have left to go touring for a bit. I believe they're in Bournemouth but I'm not sure. I was currently watching The Sandlot. But obviously, if I get bored of the movie since I have watched it 6.3 billion times, I will eventually find myself on Twitter. I did a quick follow spree and I was bored so I decided to do a twitcam.

JJ_Contreas- ATTENTION ! Haha ok, well twitcam on in 20 minutes so ask me questions with the #Q&AwithJay

I tweeted it and I noticed questions came in. My phone rang, I saw the caller id for face time and it saying, Bradley ❤️ . I answered the call.

"Brad!" I said, seeing his face. It looked as if he was in a green room. Which most likely.

"Hey!" He said, smiling. "Oh shit!" He said as he was almost hit by a football.

"Whats happening?" I laughed.

"The lads and I are playing football table tennis." He laughed. "With The Tide."

"I better not ask how's that going." I laughed. "So how's the little tour?"

"Its good... we're going to perform and we have to do this episode for Awsomeness TV," He sighed. "Then we have to perform."

"Why do you seem sad?" I asked. "I thought you were excited?"

"I know, I just really miss you." Brad sighed then smiled.

"Miss you too, but it's only for a couple weeks right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. "Didn't Alissa say she was going to travel from America today and visit you?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah but she said she has finals so we might go out somewhere and change the plans." I shrugged.

"So what are you doing today?" He smiled.

"I might hit up with Ashton for some lunch later in about an hour.... And probably pick up more decorations for the apartment sine it seems... Boring." I said, looking around. I seriously need to spice things up.

"About the apartment... How do you like it?" He asked.

"It's so nice! I mean, it's bigger than the 2 bedroom especially since it has 4... But anyways, I really like it." I smiled. Joe and Brad offered to pay for the apartment but the person that I am, declined the offer. The girls and I decided to split it 4 ways to get it.

"Glad you like it." He laughed as it seemed as if someone snatched the phone.

"Levi! Give me my bloody phone!" Brad laughed.

"Chill Brad, who's this?" He smiled at the screen. He was a guy who looked about 17 ad seemed pretty tall. "Brad she's hot." He whispered out of the screen in his accent. Seems as if he's from California.

"Levi that's JJ Brads girlfriend." Tristan teased as he took Brads phone out of his hand.

"Well, yeah ok, you can FaceTime her ok." Brad said as he started to go back to his game of Football Table Tennis.

"Hello Jay, how's it going." Tris smiled.

"Good.... Who's that?" I asked laughing.

"It's the Tide." Tris said as he put the back camera on.

"Oh hello Jennifer!" Connor said to the camera.

"Hey brothaa!" I said laughing. "That was a bad joke wow."

"Here James wants to say hi, James don't be rude." Tris said as he had the camera in selfie mode with James in the background.

"Oh, hi JJ." He smiled as he kicked the ball.

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