Chapter 59- On The Floor

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"How long is the tour?" I asked through the phone.

"Only for about 2-3 months." Ashton said. So apparently Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum are going on tour for a while. Apparently the O2 was the first "kick off" show. He also told me that Amnesia made it to the top 3 in charts. Obviously, I'm excited for that. Not really excited that my best friend (out of 6 haha) is going on tour for a bit.

"Okay well.... good luck Ash." I said.

"Good luck Jay." He said as he ended the call.

Today, I have a meeting with Claire to discuss more things for the future. Brad is going with me since Claire would like to know him a bit better. She's also my publicist so she's probably going to set up things.

"What was that for?" Brad asked as he walked into my room.

"It was just Ashton letting me know that Amnesia is top 3 in the charts." I smiled as Brad had an automatic grin go to his face.

"This is amazing Jay!" Brad said as he hugged me.

"It's nothing.... I couldn't have done it without you." I smiled at him as he had his hand on my cheek.

"Really?" He smiled as he bites his lip. Damn Sexy.

"Really." I assured him as he leaned in kissing me. Bla bla usual thing. Nothing important happened.

"What time do we have to go?" Brad asked as he separated from me and held my hand.

"12:30" I said.

"We better get going since its 1:50... I'll drive" Brad said as he took out my car keys from my purse.

"Oh God no Bradley Will Simpson." I said as I snatched them out of his hand. "I have been in the passenger seat in a car and with you in the drivers so no thank you." I laughed as he took the keys out of my hand and started o raise them up in the air.

"Brad." I said with a serious face. "Give me the keys."

"No." He grinned as he got on top of my bed, standing up.

"Brad!" I smiled as I got up on the bed, trying to snatch the keys.

"You're so short." He sang as he started to run around the apartment. I chased after him. He turned a corner, into the kitchen. I was out of breathe so I just walked into the kitchen, seeing Brad no where.

"What the-" I asked as Brad jumped out of the closet next to the kitchen, tickling me.

"Brad! N- Stop it! You know what happens!" I screamed as he had me down to the floor, he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me down with him over me.

"Little wimp." He laughed.

"I can't believe you're turning 20 in less that a month and you still act like a two year old." Seriously! Can't believe this dork is turning 20.

"You still act like a 5 year old." He teased

"At least I'm more mature." I smiled as he got on top of me.

"Brad! No hanky panky!" I laughed.

"Tris never told us that rule." He said as he bent down, running his tongue across my bottom lip. He got off of me, carrying me princess style to the kitchen counter. I wrapped my legs around him, making the kiss deeper.

"I love you so fucking much." I said as he put love bits on my neck.

"I love you too much." He said as he kissed my neck, going down through the center.

"Br-Brad." I moaned in delight. "We're going to be late." I said as I opened my eyes, seeing Brads hands south of the equator.

"We have 15 minutes." He smiled as I looked at the clock.

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