Chapter 95- Dangerous Woman

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"Hey..... yeah I'll meet you there." I say on the phone.

"Where you going with your dad?" Brad asks as we were laying down on the couch.

"Just the cafe across the street... I have like 10 minutes." I say.

Brad and I just stay snuggled up, on the couch watching Netflix.

It's been a couple days since... That.

I wanted to tell my decision to my dad in person. I haven't told... Anyone.

Brad kisses my temple as I wrap my arms around his little body.

"This week has been so relaxing." Brad says as I nod.

"I just wanna stay here." I say.

"Baby stay here." Brad sings as I laugh. "You excited for your performance tonight?"

"Yeah... It's just a couple songs, OH! I wrote a new one." I say, running to the box under the tv stand.

"I thought you used the notebook?" Brad asks.

"It's right here." I say as I get it out to show him.

Everything in that box is full of papers, napkins, and any paper possible that has song lyrics on it.

"No fracking way!" Brad says as he goes to me.

"I think I'm in that songwriting stage where I have everything filled... With lyrics." I laugh.

"Damn Jay!" Brad laughs.

"This is filled too." I say as I hand him my notebook. "I was even writing things for you guys."

"Oh wow Jay... You're amazing." Brad says as he looks me in the eye. "And beautiful. Confident. Strong. Good looking. Caring. And just an infinite amount of words."

I smile as he leans in to kiss me.

"I love you." I say as he says I love you back.

He looks at the clock. "You gotta go." He laughs.

"For the first time you want me to leave!"  I gasp, laughing.

"No!"  Brad laughs. 

I get up and grab my bag and start to open the door.

"Thanks for kicking me out!"  I say sarcastically as I shut the door.

I walk to my car, driving it to the cafe which was across the street.

"Hey."  John says as I walk in.  He was on the first booth right by the door.

"Hi."  I say as I sit down.

"Do you want to get anything I could put it on my tab if-"

"It's okay, I'm good."  I say.  There was silence.  I've never encountered that with anyone.  Let alone my dad.

"So, Jay.  I know that you'd rather verbally talk than text or calling, but have you ever had the chance to answer my question?"  John asks.

"I- have.  And I have the answer."  I say.

"And it is....?"

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