Chapter 89- Ring Pop & I Found A Girl

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"SO WAKE UP YOUR SLEEPING HEART!" Brookelyn screams into my ear.

"What the hell?" Brad says as we wake up.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"Time for you to get up?" Destinie laughs. "But it's 10:00, which means out guys are going to the carnival today!"

"Oh yeah I forgot." I laugh. "Wheres Con?"

"Getting ready." Brooke said. "No you both get ready because we want to get there early."

"It's not going to be even that packed, it's the middle of the week." Brad says as he gets up, going to his dresser.

"Yeah but since we're going back to London tomorrow, then we might as well hurry because I've been wanting to go to this carnival for the longest time now." I laugh as I grab some clothes.

"Yeah, I better get going to the airport." Destinie says.

"Aww I forgot you're leaving today." I say. We've been here for the guy's 3 weeks off, tomorrow is our last day. Though Destinie has to go back for exams.

"Yeah, I better go... The taxi is picking me up right now." Destinie sighs. "Bye guys."

I get up, giving her a hug as Brad also does the same.

"Well, I'm go I g to walk Destinie out... and I better finish getting ready, NO HANKY PANKY!" Brookelyn says as she and Destinie walk out the door.

"Let's get ready?" Brad asks.

"Fine." I groan as I get up, grabbing some of my clothes from my luggage as Brad gets ready.

I grab a red sweater, and some leggings. Even some black booties I got a while ago. I quickly did my makeup, putting on concealer for a couple blemishes.

"Brad! You almost done?" I ask him through the bathroom door.

"Yeah I just finished." Brad said as I hear the shower faucet turn off. I opened the door, grabbing my curling iron and lightly curling my hair.

"Like what you see?" Brad asks smirking.

He was in a towel, with his hair shaggy and wet.

I laughed. "Nah."

"Oh ok." Brad laughs sarcastically. I finished my hair and turned off the curling iron as Brad hugs me from behind. Having his head nuzzled into my neck, and kissing it.

"What you want?" I laugh.

"Nothing." He laughs as I turn around and give him a peck of a kiss.

"Love you." I smile.

"Love you too." Brad smiles.

"Remember Brookelyn's rule?" I smile.

"Yeeees." Brad says in a weird voice.

"Stop being so God damn cute." I laugh as I get out of the bathroom.

"I try!" Brad laughs.


"Hey what's up guys!" I say into my blogging camera. "It's Jay!"

"And Con!" Connor says.

"And it's Brad!"

"Then there's Brooke!" I laugh, pointing the camera at Brookelyn, having her do a funny face at the camera.

"So anyways." I laugh as I continue my vlog. "Today I am back with yet another vlog and today's adventure is that Brad, Connor, Brooke, and I are going to a carnival for our last day in Birmingham before we leave tomorrow morning. Then I'm not sure what we might do after but I will most likely vlog it! Ill see you guys when I'm at the carnival."

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now