Chapter 71- The Lovely Calum

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"WAKE UP BITCHES!" Michelle screamed as she jumped on the bed.

"Didn't you ever hear about the Monkey that jumps on the bed?" Brad said. He slept over last night ok?

"Well sorry to ruin your little party, but it's 8:30 and the guys told me to tell you that you have a morning interview with DDC Radio at 3:00." Michelle said.

"Awh you have to leave." I woke up.

"Yeah, since I missed so much while I was beside you." Brad said as he got out of bed.

While Brad was getting ready, I just sat there on my phone replying to some comments and answering my dm's. I looked in my contacts, seeing I had 4 missed calls from Ashton earlier this morning.

I decided to call him considering I haven't talked to him or seen him in a while. Brad got out of bed, walking into the restroom. I urge myself to just sit up.


"Hey Ash... It's Jay."

"Oh hey Jaylen! How's everything?"

"It's good... I noticed you called me a few times... Anything important?" I asked.

"Erm.. Well, the guys and I wanted to invite you and everyone else to our Park Concert tonight."

"Oh." I said. Everyone's busy today. I'm not sure about Brad... Maybe he'll be able to go? "I don't know everyone's kind of busy.... I'll check with some people.. Most likely end up alone." I laughed.

"Ok well text me then! I'll des you the details."

"K, bye Ashton."

"Bye." Ashton said as the call ended. I see Brad walking out, in his trousers.

"That was a quick shower." I laughed.

"Who was that?" Brad asked as he dried his wet hair.

"It was Ashton." I said. "Hey do you want to come with me to their how today?"

"I don't know.... I have to check with Tris if we're doing any recording today." He said as he put on a shirt. "You can go without me... Isn't anyone else going?"

"No." I said. "Michelle and Gianna have to do something for each others YouTube channel, James and Connor are at the gym, and Brookelyn is at the cafe down the street with her friend Keila."

"Well, do you mind going alone?" He asked me.

"Don't mind." I shrugged. "If you don't want to go, you don't have to." I shrugged.

Brad looked at his phone, seeing Tristan sent him a text.

"Yeah, we have to go do some recording." Brad said looking at the phone.

"Ok." I said. "Well, I better start getting ready since they're having their concert in the afternoon."

"Ok." Brad said. "Come back at five. I have a surprise for you."

"K." I smiled as I kissed him on the lips with his hands on my waist. Damn I missed those lips.


"Wait... So you're coming right?" I asked Brookleyn through the phone.

"Yeah.... Connor is too." Brookelyn said.

"K... I'll meet you there?" I asked.

"Yeah definitely! I might want to get some of the new 5SOS merch." Brookelyn said. I swear it seems as if she's blushing.

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