Chapter 54- Sweaty Brad

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"Are you almost here?" I said to the phone.

"Relax Jen, just give us 25 minutes." Michelle said.

"Ok, just don't be late.... bye." I said as I ended the call while I was sitting down with Brad on the couch.

"They're coming in 25 minutes" I sighed as I held Brads hands.

"It won't take them long." Tristan said as he drank his water. Apparently, Michelle and Brookelyn lost track of time in dance rehearsals and they're coming about 5 minutes late when the boys perform.

It's been about a week ever since Brad has told me we were moving to London. We have to go and pack some more before we actually move in. Almost done. Well, for everyone else. I was responsible packed up everything. I think.

"On in 20 minutes." The stage director says.

"They're going to be late." Gianna said.

"They'll only miss Move My Way." James shrugged. "Or Risk It All."

"Oh! Michelle said that she doesn't really like Move My Way that much..." Tris said.

"What? But I wrote it." James said as he had his bottom lip sticking out.

"She said she doesn't like it our version... She said she liked the original from your old EP." Tris said.

"Sooo... she hates my singing?" Brad said.

"I mean, a fan did say they mistaken you at Katy Perry." I laughed.

"No, that's not what she means." Tris laughed.

"She likes the songs when she first hears it... So she likes James song because it was the original." Gianna said.

"Ohh I get it now." Con said.

"Anyways." Brad sighed. "What are you going to do today while the lads and I are gone this week?" Brad asked Gianna and I.

"I need to go and do another video for Youtube." Gianna shrugged. She had her eyes wide open as if she forgotten something. "Oh and Brooke, Mitchi, and I need to get some things from the old apartment."

"Studio." I shrugged. I realized that Ashton told me to call him for which studio to go to in London. "I'm going to make a quick call." I said as I got out my phone and went out of the green room and dialed Ashton's number.

Calling Ashton....

"Hey this is Ash." Ashton said picking up the phone.

"Hey Ashton it's Jennifer... erm what studio are we going to?" I asked.

"Oh hey Jay! Wow that rhymed... it's the one on Griuns I think... I'll just text you the address later."

"Ok!" I said as I noticed Gianna at the corner of my eye.

"Let's go! They're almost on!" Gianna said.

"Oh, I gotta go... I'll see you next week right?" I said through the phone.

"Yup! Ok love, let them I said good luck!"

"When do you say love? Why happened to mate?"

"Hang too much with Harry and the other brits... Don't you have a show to go to?" He asked me.

"JJ lets go!" Gianna said.

"Yeah, Bye!" I said quickly as I ended the call and started to run.

"Am I late?" I said, still running.

"No, let's go!" Gianna said as we started to run, eventually getting backstage.

"That was a mile!" Gianna said heavily.

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