Chapter 61- Perfect

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"I thought you have to go to an interview?" I asked Brad while I was sitting on the couch.

"Actually, I don't... I have the day off." Brad said as he sat on the couch with me.

"Thats cool... so you're free today?" I asked him.

"Yup." He said. "And I have something special planned for us so get ready." Brad said as he got up. "I'll pick you up in an hour."

"What do I wear?" I asked him.

"I got it handled." He said as he went over to the door, smiled and closed it.

"Boo!" Gianna and Michelle said as I jumped up.

"Holy shit." I jumped. I hate it when they scare me.

"So you and Brad are having a little date correct?" Michelle smirked at me.

"I guess you could say that." I laughed.

"Well we have come to your rescue." Gianna said.

"Just like old times?" I asked them as they nodded.

"I'll be right back... Michelle will get started on your hair." Gianna said as Michelle took me into the bathroom. There was all kinds of hair stuff on the counter.

"Sit here." Michelle said as I did what I was told and sat on the little salon chair. Michelle was pulling and brushing out my hair, but it came out in the end like a half up-half down ponytail. Just like the usual.

It has already been 40 minutes meaning I had 20 minutes to do my makeup and get dressed.

Michelle did my makeup. It was simple, yet decent. It was natural. Just how I liked it.

"Done." She said as she finally was done putting on a couple coats of mascara.

"Just in time, here I am." Gianna said as she came with a casual yet cute outfit. Michelle left the room as Gianna handed me the clothes and shoes.

It was a white and maroon baseball tee with a pair of short shorts, a gold necklace, and some high top white converse. I walked out of my bathroom, seeing Michelle and Gianna waiting for me.

"My child is growing up." Michelle fake cried.

"Oh shut up." I laughed as she stopped. "Thanks guys.... love you." I said as we all gave each other a group hug.

"More than poptarts?" Gianna asked.

"Can't answer that." I laughed as I heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be skater boy." Michelle said as she went downstairs. I realized what happened last time when Michelle answered the door for Brad.

"Holy shit." I said as I took my purse and phone and ran downstairs before Michelle said anything stupid.

"Brad!" I said as I could see Michelle already talking to him.

"Hi Jay... you" Brad smiled as I hugged him.

"Its a bit casual but more comfortable than being in a dress." I smiled as Brad had his hand around my waist.

"Oh, these are for you." Brad said as he gave me a bouquet of flowers.

"Awe Brad... they're beautiful." I said as I smiled. "Thank you."

"I'll have her by 11:00." Brad smiled at Michelle as she nodded.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You'll see... Tristan is chaperoning us today though." Brad said. "It was Michelle's idea."

"She suddenly became overprotective." I laughed as we went down the stairs, seeing Tris in the car.

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