Chapter 31- JJANATORS

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"Quick selfie!" I said as we got to the stadium taking out my phone into selfie mode.

"OMG WE ARE SO CLOSE TO GETTING LAP DANCE FROM MICHAEL" Brookelyn said as we got out of the taxi and took a selfie with Me, Alayza, and Becks.

"BROOKELYN, THERE IS A CHILD HERE, but michael is waiting for me." Alayza screamed but at the last part she just whispered.

"I'm not a child, practically a teen!" Becka said out loud.

"Yeah, believe still sleep with Mr.Cocoa." I told Becka as she blushed getting a bit embarrassed as we all chuckled.

"You still sleep with Mr. Cocoa? I thought you gave him away when you were 8?" Alayza asked as Becka shrugged.

"I'm posting here!" I said as I posted our selfie via Twitter and Instagram.

@JJ_Contreas- Here with Becka and the squad @BrookelynCassedy @alayza.zahra the 5SAUCE CONCERT tu;)

I posted as Brad replied back.

@TheVampsBrad- @JJ_Contreas be careful love

@JJ_Contreas- @TheVampsBrad I will, love you xx

@TheVampsBrad- @JJ_Contreas Michael better not give u lap dance...u should've asked me & luv you more :P

@JJ_Contreas- YOU ARE A FAN @TheVampsBrad

@TheVampsBrad- Shut it just have fun @JJ_Contreas xx

While Brad and I had our lil convo, people were asking a lot of questions about what was going on between Alayza and I since I said she was part of the 'squad'. But I just ignored it.

"Lets go, JJ, chop chop." Brookelyn said as we walked towards the entrance to the stand they have to enter into DERPCON which took us half an hour to get in the front.

"Hello, what's you're name?" the nice lady asked me.

"Erm..we have our passes under James McVey, but he told me to tell you that it's also under my name." I said as the lady typed in the computer.

"Jaylen Jennifer Contreas?" She asked as I nodded an I showed her my ID to prove that I was Jaylen Jennifer Contreas.

"Ok, here are your 4 passes and please enjoy your day at Derpcon." She said as I took the passes and put them on everybody.

"Vaminos!" Alayza said a we entered through the stuff that they need to do security...bla, bla, bla. As soon as we got in, a couple fans came up to us.

"Hey, your Jaylen right? Or am I freaking out?!" A girl asked me.

"Yeah, but call me Jennifer."

"Brookelyn, take me to the t-shirts?" Becka asked her as Alayza followed leaving me alone having a convo with someone I barely knew.

"I'm a really big fan of your YouTube channel..definitely a JJanator. " One girl says, who I soon found out her name, Laylu.

"I'm a JJanator And and Brad are just otp." Another fan said as they both asked for a picture. Of course I said yes, but I have a fan base? JJanator?

"Please do a cover with The Vamps you and Brad sing great together especially Little Things....Oh! we have to go! We'll probably see you around."

"Erm...Yeah! See you later!" I said a the girls left me.

Well, That was pretty awkward for me but they call themselves JJanators? That sound pretty cool.

I got my phone out from my back pocket and started walking and texting Alayza to ask where they are now until I bumped into something that caused my purse to fall as all my stuff came out.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there" I heard a voice as I was bending down grabbing all my things that came out.

"It's fine" I said as I was still grabbing my things as I saw a hand that was helping me. I was done anyways.

"Hey, I'm Ashton." He said putting his hand out.

Wait, no.


Ok, I must be dreaming but I don't know official because I haven't seen his face yet.

"Hi Ash-" I said with my eyes wide open trying to hold in a hard ass scream. Holy shit I'm gonna stutter.


AhAh byyyyeeee

Jennavee xx

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