Chapter 11- Oh My Gosh!

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It's been 2 weeks since James dad passing and his funeral.

It literally feels like forever. You know, once you share stories and cherish moments together, you have new friends pretty quick.

You know what. I have some cheering up to do.

I checked the time. 1:30 by the way and texted Tristan to meet me at James house in 10 minutes.

Ok, in my pjs. Yeah not attractive at all.

I put on some light colored jeans, a white t-shirt and a red flannel and I started to grab my bag, phone, and I'm pretty sure that's it.....wait. As I started my makeup and grabbed my lip gloss from my dresser, I noticed something was right there. memory box. As I opened it, I saw a lot of things that I still remember today. Things like, my dad's watch before he passed and a picture of Brad and I. That's basically all I can think about.

Then, my phone rang.

Gianna calling...

Ok, not right now, but she's my best friend.


"Hey JJ, how's it going?" I knew it was Gianna and Michelle.

"So where are you right know?"


"Look outside"

I was kind of confused about the answer but once I looked out the window, guess who was there?

"G, Mitchi, what are you guys doing here?!" I screamed out the window.

"We missed you so much and we have another surprise! Come down here so you can open the door for us!"

I quickly ran downstairs to open the door for them and once they came inside I gave them both a big hug.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" I felt like I haven't seen them in so long.

"Yeah guess what?" Gianna said. I was waiting for an answer but Michelle just blurted the surprise out.

"We moved here!" Oh my gosh! We screaming of joy like 6 year olds going to Disneyland.

We heard somebody's phone ring.

"Which phone?  We all have the same ring tone for some apparent reason."

Oh shoot I'm getting a call.

Tristan calling....


"Jen, where are you?"

Bloody hell. I forgot.

"Sorry Tris, we'll be right over and when did I say that you can call me Jen?"

"It's ok, and who's the we?"

"My friends nice."

"Ooh can't wait to see those friends of yours."

"Oh shut your speaking hole. Bye see you there in 10."


Gianna and Michelle went to go get changed really quick because I told them that we were going somewhere and about the boys.

"Hey so I looked up the band...James is pretty cute." Gianna said.

"Yeah he loves to eat....mostly chicken so if you date he would love you and your cooking." I replied back.

"Hey just so you know Tris.....adorable" Michelle said. "Set me up"

"Erm......they barely know you guys and they don't like girls who like them just for their looks" I said

"Hey Brad is in the band too right?" G said.

Don't bring it up Gianna.

"When I see him I'm going to set some rules and where are your parents?" Michelle said.

I rolled my eyes at her and look at the time.

"They went on business for a few months....We have to go now come on."

We ran downstairs and into the boys garage.

"Hey you guys are late!" James pointed out.

"Tris, you forgot to tell them that I was going to be here in 10 right?" I said.

Tristan shrugged as I showed a little disappointment.

"Anyways, guys this is Gianna you can call her G, and Michelle who's Nick name is Mitchi. And girls this is James, Tris, Connor, and Brad." I said as they all said quick hellos.

"So....this is Brad..ey?" Michelle said.

Don't Michelle.

Then she looks at me with an I am going to kick his sorry butt all the way to Cali look.

"Anyways, let's go!" I said.

"Wait where are we going and you can drive?" Connor asked.

"Yep and its a surprise. And James, can I drive?"

James nodded as everyone went to the car.

"We have a problem. Let's do the math. 7 people in a 5 seater car." Gianna said.

"I don't mind if you sit on my lap" James said. Gianna started to blush.

I saw Connor nudge Tristan toward Michelle.

"Mitchi, you can erm.....uhh....sit on my lap too....I mean if you want to...Connor can sit on my if you don't-"

"Sure!" Michelle cutt him off.

Everyone jumped into the car and I asked, "everyone is satisfied?" while I was glaring at James and Tris. I started to drive to the mystery place.

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