Chapter 19- Third Wheel

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"Bradley, wake up. We're in California!" I woke up Brad as we arrived to LAX.

We were here in California but when the girls announced it, it's about 1 week later but no drama or anything happened.....except for the fact that Triselle is a thing know....and thank God that no one took pics of Brad and I when we were on a date. Everyone even Joe tagged along to babysit us.

"Come on guys!! You have no idea what us girls planned!" I screamed out as we were headed to my car. I had my Aunt Claire drop it off and it fits all of us.

"Uhhhh....we're tired." Brad said.

Don't get me started.

"Ok, no one gets to ride go karts!!!!!!"

The boys looked from sad and exhausted to happy and energetic.

"Lets go! I am going to beat you Michelle!" Tris said as he gave Michelle kisses on the cheek.

"How about boys against girls?" Connor suggested as Joe started to walk away.

"I'll drop you all off at the go kart place and I'll head to the hotel and sleep where we're staying at" Joe said out.

"Ok, were going to lose anyway." Gianna said.

"Doubt it...but if I was going I am going to kick your bum all the way to Birmingham."

Oh no Joe didn't.

"Whatever, let's go! far is it?" Joe said.

"Not that far...."

"Hey" Brad whispered.

"What...why are we whispering."

"Don't you think it's unfair for 3 against 4?"

"Don't worry it's all covered....and I know a girl that is coming with us and Connor may be interested."

"Yay!!! FINALLY I WON'T BE THE THIRD WHEEL WHILE EVERYONE IS FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER!!!!" Connor said as he ran to the car. He must've been listening.


Third Wheel poor Con :( hahaha

Jennavee xx

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