Chapter 30- BTW Calums mine XD

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"Happy Birthday Becka!" I screamed out as I walked through the door with the girls.

"Hey JJ......and you must be Brookelyn, Mitchi, and Gianna. Right?" Becka said as she came to the door and shook their hands and gave me a hug.

" how old are you today?" Brookelyn asked Becka.

" must want your Con huh?" Becka asked her smiling as Brookelyn nodded.

Becka pointed Brookelyn where he was as she went to go cuddle with him.

"So, you are the famous Becka Mcvey. James told me a lot about you." Gianna said trying to start a conversation.

"Ok, I'll let you guys catch up." I said trying to leave the scene and putting Beck's present onto the table.

"JJ!" Becka called out to me as I walked over there.

"He's in the kitchen. Get Some." She told me with a smile and gave me a wink.

"Becks!" I said saying that she had a dirty mind as I walked into the kitchen about to walk into the door on my phone when I felt something hit me.

"Oh! I'm sorry............Hey, you must be Jaylen....erm....I'm Alayza." Alayza said with a smile.

"Hi." I said shyly.

To be honest, I felt scared of her.

"Look, I know we just met, but I don't want anything between us.....Brad and I are just friends trust me, just friends and I want us to be friends too." Alayza told me with yet another smile. Is she being nice to me or....

"Yeah, sure friends that's fine with me."

"Ok, I should go give Becka her present." She said as she left me in front of the kitchen door.

"Um...Alayza?" I said as she turned around.


"Its Jennifer." I said as she gave me yet another smile and left as I walked in.

"Hello Bradley." I said as I saw him having a drink.

"JJ" He said as he gave me a hug as if he hasn't seen me in years.

"Whoa, British Boy, I ain't gone for long."

"I know you're pretty short for your size." He said as he laughed and gave him a light punch in the stomach.

"Compared to Tris, you are basically the shortest" I said as we both laughed.

"So, one question."

"Vas happenin?" I said.

"You like 5SAUCE?"

"OH MY GAAAWWWSH!!?! Bradley, you're a fan."

"Wait....they're music is good I didn't say I'm a fan."

"How dare you Brad!?" I said.

"Oh, our first fight I'm guessing?"

"I guess so." I said as we talked more about my obsession with 5SAUCE. Bradley later found out Alissa and Brookelyn were in love with 5SOS too.

"JJ, I need to tell you something..." Brad said seriously.

Don't tell me it's bad news.


"Come here." he told me as I sat on his lap watching his phone.

"What are those? YouTube? How did you even? Huh?"

It was a YouTube channel full of my songs that Brad and I wrote on the night of my birthday and some songs I helped Brad with. But those were kinda supposed to be private. Ex:(my songs) Bang Bang, (a song that I dream to sing with my woman crushes) The Way, Honeymoon Avenue, Baby I, (his songs) Move My Way, Another World, Somebody To You, Girls On TV, and Wild Heart. There was also some covers.

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