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"Here."  Brad said as I look ahead of me.


If you didn't know, Brad, Connor, Brookelyn, and I are back in Birmingham for holiday. 

I'm really excited considering we haven't been home in a couple months.

"We also set up Connor's room."  Daven said as my mum was opening the door.

"Cool!"  Connor said.

"What about mine?"  I ask.

"You're stood the same."  My mom said as I smiled.

We got inside, seeing the living room on the left, and the kitchen on the right.

"I actually missed this place."  Brookelyn laughs as she was holding Connors hand.

"What should we do while we're here?"  I ask.

"Connor and I have the week planned."  Brad smiles.

Brad and Connor the Romantics.

"Well... Today, you guys can just go out for the day.... Or just stay here."  My mum said.  "Whatever you may have planned." 

"Your mum and I are going out for our anniversary."  Daven said.

"Wait isn't your anniversary for a couple months?"  I ask them.

"We just have work... We're not sure if we'll have enough time."  Daven said.  "We're leaving in an hour." 

"In the mean time, go unpack."  My mum said.

Brad grabs my hand, as we start walking to the stairs. 

We turn to the room on the left.  Opening the door.

Room sweet room.

I run to my bed, immediately plopping my body on it.  I feel Brad beside me.

"Glad to be home?"  Brad asked as he cuddles with me.

"Yeah."  I say.  "I just missed it.... Especially being with my parents."

"Me too."  Brad sighed.  "Maybe can we visit my parents and Nat?" 

"For sure."  I said.  "I mean, we have a week."

"But it's going to be a surprise for them because they don't know that we're here for holiday."  Brad said.

"I don't get it."  I laughed.  "Usually Americans call holiday like Christmas or something." 

"Then what do you call Holiday in American?"  Brad asked.

"This would be..... Vacation."  I sigh.

"You and your American language."  Brad laughs.

I was about to say something else.  Until I realize.

"I forgot my other suitcase downstairs."  I laugh.  "I'll be right back."  I say as Brad nods.

I start to walk downstairs, hearing Daven and my moms voices.

"He's the one."  My mum says as I stop and just listen.

"What do you mean?"  Daven asks.

"He's the one.  Her love.  Her true love."  My mum said.

"Who?"  Daven asks.

"Jay and Brad."  She replies.

"I mean.... Love is a strong word."  Daven paused.  "How do you know he loves her for definite?"

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now