Chapter 63- Sandlot Scene

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"Brooke come on!" Tris said. Wee we're currently at the beach and apparently, Brookelyn doesn't want to get in the water. I'm not sure why.

"No it's too cold!" Brooke whined.

"Fine." Connor huffed as Tris, Connor, James, Gianna, and Brad went into the water.

We were at the beach obviously. Before we came, we rode all the rides on the pier. Well... except Brad. Also, Levi and Drew from the Tide are coming in a bit. So right now it was just the Fantastic 8. Brookelyn, Michelle, and I were just tanning JJ our beach chairs.

"Why don't you want to get in the water?" I asked Brookelyn.

"Reasons." Brookelyn said. She always have to be on it when we're out and in the water. Why aren't I in the water you ask? Just don't feel like it yet. Though Michelle and I decided to surf today considering it was the perfect day to surf. You might not think I'm a surfer girl, but in California, I lived close by the beach. Not that far, just enough. I learned how to surf a couple years ago. Haven't went surfing in about a year.

"So how's life?" I laughed since it was silent.

"Shitty." Brookelyn said.

"Wow Brooke, Moody much?" Michelle laughed.

"Sorry.... just moody." Brookelyn said.

"TMI." Connor said as we jumped.

"Con!" I said. He scared the crap out of me.

"Scaredy cats." Connor laughed.

"Its not our fault Brookelyn would constantly scare us by screaming Mrs. All American across the halls in high school." Michelle said.

"True oh my gosh!" I laughed.

"Oh God that's embarrassing." Brooke said as she covered her face as Connor sat next to her.

"I think that's cute." Connor smiled at Brooke.

"Its creepy." Michelle laughed. "She's more into Luke since she knows him."

"You're into Luke?" Connor asked.

"Not in that way!" I said.

"I like him more in a, 'BROOKELYN'S FANGIRL MELTDOWN' kind." Brookelyn said.

"She still has a fangirl heart." Michelle said.

"Yeah usually she screams every single time she sees Luke." I laughed.

"Thats true." Michelle said.

"And she also has her bedroom wall filled with 5SOS posters. Since 9th Grade." I laughed as Brookelyn blushed.

"That is also true." Michelle said.

"Luke is the guy that I've crushed and fangirled on since I was 15. Connor is my heart and soul." Brooke smiled at Connor. Connor smiled and well, ended up to yet another legendary Crookelyn make out session.

I'm bloody serious.

They need to get a damn room.

"JUST STOP THERE'S CHILDREN AROUND AND THIS IS VERY INAPPROPRIATE." Michelle screamed as Crookelyn blushed. I put my sunglasses down to my eyes, until I felt someone grab me and flip me over. I knew who it was.

"Brad!" I screamed. I took off my sunglasses.

"You're going in!" I heard Brad say. I immediately screamed once I touched the cold water. I quickly ran out of the water.

"Oh shit that's cold." I said. It was.

"Come in Jay." Brad said as I slowly went inside the water. James, Gianna, and Tristan were far in, dodging some waves.

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