Chapter 83- Not That Good

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"You're up." Connor says as I nod. I go up.

Currently, in front of family and friends, I'm saying a couple things.

Basically, I'm speaking at the funeral.

"Hi." I say as I pause. I look over at Brad as he sits there, looking at me and smiles.

"There's many things I want to say. To my parents. I just want to start off by saying, I'm thankful. Thankful for my parents. Thankful for everything they've sacrificed for me." I pause for a bit as I don't know why to say next. "I'm sorry." I say. "I'm not that good at eulogies." I laugh. "I just want to say something to each Daven and my mom. Even though I call Daven... Daven, I will always consider him as my father. I love him as if he was my own biological father..... My mom would always be there." I say.

"Basically, I just want to say that, my mom and Daven were very special to me. They were the best people I could ask for that were there for me. I hope they know, that they will always be in my heart." I start tearing up. "Thank you."

I got off the little stage they had in the church.

I walk back to my seat, next to Brad.

"You did good." Brad whispers.

"Thanks." I smile, seeing Connor go up.

"I'm not good at words." Connor laughs as everyone else laughs. I guess we're both not that good.

"But I'm good at explaining how I feel." Connor sighs. "I just want to say I miss you guys.... I know I was just an accident, but you guys treated me as if I was planned... Even though you guys are gone, you're here in spirit."

I smile at him as he glances at me.

"I remember the last sentence they each said to me before they said goodbye." Connor says. "When they were going on the plane, my mum said, 'Please take care of yourself... Take care of your sister too. Make sure you guys won't get into any trouble or I will kick your asses'" Connor laughs as everyone else laughs. "But I intend to keep that promise. For my mum. And for Jay." Connor says as he continues.

"My dad said, 'I'll see you soon' and 'I love you'. I know I will see him soon. See them both soon." Connor smiles. "I love you mum." He sighs. "I love you dad." Connor walks off, as the priest comes.

"That doesn't conclude the service." The priest says. "Now, we must go outside."

Everyone gets up, walking outside.

Brad and I hold hands as we walk towards the cemetery, towards were my parents are going to be buried.

I could see Connor coming up to me, and hugging me.

"Love you Con." I say into his ear.

"Love you too sis." He says.

We continue to walk, with about 10-15 people behind us.

The hurst was already there, holding both coffins.

We arrived at the place minutes later, seeing my parents above where they are going to be placed.

I start to cry. We all just stood there, watching them go.

"Baby it's ok." Brad said as he starts to hug me.

I just kept crying. Letting everything out.

Eventually I wind down, Brad calms me down as I seem as if I'm perfectly fine.

I see Connor, going up to say something in front of everyone.

"Erm.... My sister and I had something prepared... For them." Connor smiles.

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