Chapter 91- Teddy Bear Therapist

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"I'm sorry I can't make it." Ashton said through the phone.

"What?! Why?" Brookelyn asks.

I had him on speaker.

"Long story." He said.

"WELL MAKE IT SHORT!" Brookelyn says as I hear him start to laugh.

"Dang Brooke." He laughs. "It's because my mom is visiting in 3 hours and Luke has our damn house trashed." Ashton said.

"Typical Lucas." Brookelyn said.

"Oh shush Brooke, you act like you have the best behavior." I laugh.

"That's true." Ashton laughs.

"Fine." Brookelyn sighs. "Well anyways, I guess we can just change the reservation to 2."

"No don't! If you change it, then you'll wait longer." He says.

"Yeah, and they would have to take our table away if someone isn't there." I told her.

"I have an idea!!!" Ashton sings.

"Let us hear your damn idea 'smart' one." Brookelyn laughs.

"First, I am smart. Second, I'm smarter than you. Third, you can take Bryana with you!" Ashton said as I suddenly felt a pit to my stomach.

"Hey yeah!" Brookelyn said. "I've always wanted to meet her."

"Yeah, Jay met her last week, isn't she sweet?" Ashton said as I nervously nod.

"I'll text her right now, I guess she'll be there in an hour?" Ashton said as Brookelyn nodded.

"Ok, I'll talk to you guys- LUKE PUT THAT DAMN DRUMSTICK DOWN-"

I hung up the phone quickly as Brookelyn looks at me in concern.

"What?" I ask.

"Why you like that when Bryana's name is mentioned?" Brookelyn asks as she acts like she knows. "Do- Are you jealous of Ash?"

"Oh no, Brookelyn. Ashton I think of him as my brother." I say.

"Then why do you have a problem with Bry?" Brookelyn asks.

"It's because-" I sigh. I never told her the damn story. "It was a long time ago, but I'll tell you."

"K, every detail." Brookelyn said as I nod.

"Ok, it all started-"


"K, we'll see you later." I say into the phone as I hang up.

"She coming?" JJ asks me as I nod.

"You can deal with her for a couple hours." I laugh, trying to get her less stressed out.

"I know I'm just worried that-"

"Jay, whatever she did, isn't worth her damn time." I say. "Forget her."

"I just want Ashton to be happy, I don't want to hate on her for what she did." She says, continuing on with her makeup.

"Well I don't know, maybe people change." I say.

"Maybe they do, but you'll never know." She says as she finished her makeup. "I really need Brad he's like my damn therapist." She laughs.

"Brad is your everything." I laugh.

"Yeah, but you're my bro, bro." She laughs again. "Brad just the Teddy Bear Therapist."

"Is that even real?" I laugh, as I post on Twitter real quick.

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