Chapter 72- Damn We're Old

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"So you want to go?"  I asked Brad.  We were driving to Starbucks because I was craving a frappe.  Don't judge me.

"Yeah." Brad shrugged. "I have the whole day." He laughed while we arrived to the Starbucks, ordering our drinks.

Brad and I just sat on the couches in the cafe, he was on his laptop, while I was on his laptop too.

"Jay, you have to watch this." Brad said laughing while he gave me the right earbud looking at the video.

"Hey guys, I'm Brad and this is my friend JJ, and today we're going to do a cover of Photograph by Ed Sheeran. Hope you like it." I hear Brad say. This was way before Brad & I dated. It seemed as if we were in his room, just with our two guitars.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes. But it's the only thing that I know. When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes. It is the only thing that makes us feel alive."  Brad sing as I start to join in.

"We keep this love in this photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts were never broken
Times forever frozen still"

"So you can keep me, inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet, you won't ever be alone."  I sang.

"When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me, under the lamppost
Back on 6th street, hearing you whisper through the phone,
Wait for me to come home." Brad and I sang on the screen.  It feels weird that not even that long ago; about 5?  Almost 6.  Damn we're old.

"I miss those days."  Brad laughed.

"Funny thing is that this was only a couple days after we met."  I smiled.

"I'm posting this on YouTube."  Brad said as he started to type something.

"No Brad! It's so.... Cringe worthy."  I said.  "That was the time when I had my braces."  I said.  I got them off days after, but Brad got them off same time as me.

"You look cute."  Brad smiled.  "Don't look that bad." 

"I look horrible."  I said.  "Please don't post it."  I whined.

"Fine."  Brad said.

"Thank you."  I sighed in relief as I logged into Twitter while Brad was doing his own thing.

@jenniferapparel- what do you look forward to in the future?
most likely meeting you all.  it would be bloody amazing. x

@keilaavasquez- omg i love your music sm! do you think that you would be making lots of music in the future?
aww thank you! & absolutely! prob not when I'm like 60 tho haha x

@vamps.ugh- what's your favorite memory with brad?
my favorite was going to the park with jesse and just basically play around and stuff :)

@gringeytail- what's the most embarrassing moment you had?
omg! i have so many.  probably when my friend (when i was 5) embarrassed me in from of my kindergarten crush by asking him to go with me under the coloring table?  it's a long story haha

@shawnsuschrist- how do you deal with hate?
mostly, i try to not let it get to me.  basically, i try to ignore it.

@calumhoood- ok, question for you and Brad.  what is your favorite thing about each other?

I showed the question to Brad as he smiled and typed something in.

her smile.  her hair.  basically who she is.  that's why i love her haha x -b

and for brad would probably be his hair! chocolate curls af tho! :)

@goawaymuke- if you would, would you go on tour with 5sos?
absolutely! if they offer tho haha x

@Ashton5SOS- why do you like potatoes?
how could you not? & i hate your band. sorry not sorry.

Just playing! I love 5sos! 

I got a text.  Seeing it was from Claire, I looked at it.

From: Claire Manager
hey hope you don't mind! was wondering if maybe you can go to the studio 6th street and record your cover that you've been wanting to do for a while... for your yt channel

To: Claire Manager
most def! is it ok if Brad comes with?

From:  Claire Manager

I smiled and looked at Brad.

"I have to go to the studio on 6th street to record a video for the channel.  Want to come?"  I asked him.

"Yeah sure."  Brad said smiling as we both got up, driving to the studio.

We got in the car, Brad turned on the radio, putting on The Hills by The Weeknd.

We arrived to the studio, seeing many people outside but I'm unsure why. 

There's about 10 photographers everywhere when Brad and I arrived. 

"JJ over here!"  One of them says, taking a picture. 

"JJ and Brad kiss!"  Another one says as Brad and I ignore them.

"You want to just go around?"  Brad asked me, holding my hand.

"No it's fine."  I sighed.  "We'll just have to go through." 

"Ok."  Brad said.

"What if they ask us to kiss?"  I asked him.

"We'll kiss if we want to."  Brad shrugged as I smiled and both of us came out of the opposite side of the car.  We walked around to meet in the middle.  We held hands, hearing the paparazzi for us to kiss.

I kind of wanted to.

Brad pulled me in, kissing me.  Though it was only for a couple seconds, there was many pictures.  Trust me.

We walked towards the building, seeing a guy trying to talk to me.  He seemed pretty chill though.

"Hey JJ I'm a big fan of your music."  The guy says.  His camera he holds says 'TMZ'.  He's a celebrity reporter?

"Aww well thank you."  I stopped.  Claire told me that whenever that TMZ interviews me I have to do the interview.  She says they're pretty nice. 

"I have a question." 

"Shoot."  I said nodding.  Brad was off with a couple fans that wanted his autograph.

"Could you please settle the rumors of you and Brad splitting up?"  He says.

"There's rumors?"  I asked. 

"Yes."  He says.  "Can you please settle them?"

"Well, Brad and I never split up."  I laughed.  "If we did I would settle them myself."  I said as I started to walk away, but he caught up to me.

"Tell me what you're doing today." 

"Well, I'm recording a cover of Emotions by Mariah Carey and doing a bit of a music video."  I smiled.

"Ok thanks JJ."

"No problem."  I said as I went inside with Brad by my side.

guys soooo i have a double update ready. if 3 people comment "#vampsrevolution" then the next chapter with go up right away. no kidding. i'm not playing around.

so yeah :) (btw fun fact: i wrote all of these in one day haHAHAHA savage asf)

ALSO you see that edit of Brad and 'JJ' kissing. my edit ;) I know it sucks ok ??

Jennavee xx

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